Articles Index

Articles Index



This index lists all articles published in The Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law, Nrs 1 - 66 in alphabetical order of authors.

The texts of all articles in Nrs 1 - 62 are available on this web site and may be accessed through the entries in this index.

The journal has included abstracts of articles from Nr 43 onwards. Published abstracts for Nrs 43-66 are available through the entries in this index.




Abel, Richard L., A Bibliography of the Customary Laws of Kenya. 2: 1-48 (1969) article (pdf)

Abel, Richard L., The Problem of Values in the Analysis of Political Order: Myths of Tribal Society and Liberal Democracy. A Review Essay on Elizabeth Coulson, Tradition and Contract: The Problem of Order. 16: 132-165 (1978) article (pdf)

Acton, Thomas, Conflict Resolution and Criminal Justice - Sorting Out Trouble. Can Legislation Resolve Perennial Conflicts Between Roma/Gypsies/Travellers and 'National Majorities'? 51: 29-49 (2005) abstract article (pdf) article (htm)

Adelman, Sammy, Constitutionalism, Pluralism and Democracy in Africa. 42: 73-88 (1998) article (pdf) article (htm)

Adewoye, Omoniyi, Legal Practice in Ibadan, 1904-1960. 24: 57-76 (1986) article (pdf)

Adinkrah, K.O., Folk Law is the Culprit: Women's 'Non-Rights' in Swaziland. 30-31: 9-31 (1990-91) article (pdf)

Adinkrah, Kofi Oti, Ghana's Marriage Ordinance: An Inquiry into a Legal Transplant for Social Change. 18: 1-42 (1980) article (pdf)

Adjamagbo-Johnson, Kafui, Les pratiques successorales à Lomé: Un exemple d'assimilation de valeurs nouvelles dans une situation de pluralisme juridique. 33: 161-177 (1993) article (pdf)

Agbede, I. Oluwole, Devolution of Immovables under the Nigerian Conflict Rules: The Dilemma of Legal Pluralism. 15: < 45<-53 (1977) article (pdf)

Agbede, I. Oluwole, Lex Domicilii in Contemporary Nigeria: A Functional Analysis. 9: 61-98 (1973)  article (pdf)

Agorsah, Kofi E., Women in African Traditional Politics. 30-31: 77-86 (1990-91) article (pdf)

Akpamgbo, C.O., A "Woman to Woman" Marriage and the Repugnancy Clause: A Case of Putting New Wine into Old Bottles. 14: 87-95 (1977)  article (pdf)

Allott, Antony, The Limits of Law: A Reply. 21: 147-153 (1983) article (pdf)

Amissah, A.N.E., The Role of the Judiciary in the Governmental Process: Ghana's Experience. 13: 4-30 (1976) article (pdf)

Ardito, Wilfredo, The Right to Self-Regulation: Legal Pluralism and Human Rights in Peru. 39: 1-42 (1997) article (pdf) article (htm)

Armstrong, Alice, Bart Rwezaura, Welshman Ncube, Julie Stewart, Puleng Letuka, Priscilla Musanya, Isabel Casimiro and Mothokoa Mamashela, Parting the Long Grass: Revealing and Reconceptualising the African Family. 35: 25-73 (1995) article (pdf) article (htm)

Arnaud, André-Jean, We are all E.T.s. 41: 1-14 (1998) article (pdf) article (htm)

Assier Andrieu, Louis, Raison pratique et culture juridique: penser le pastoralisme en Catalogne au XVIIIe siècle. 29: 23-37 (1990) article (pdf)

Assier-Andrieu, Louis, Anthropology as the Eye of the Law: Comments on Canadian Jurisprudence. 33: 179-194 (1993) article (pdf)

Assies, Willem, Review Article: Multi-Ethnicity, the State and the Law in Latin America. 43: 145-158 (1999) abstract article (pdf) article (htm)

Azzopardi, Julian, Monique Marks, Jennifer Wood and Thokozani Xaba, Reconfiguring State and Non-State Actors in the Provision of Safety in (South) Africa: Implications for Bottom-Up Policing Arrangements and for Donor Funding. 63: 49-72 (2011) abstract article (pdf)


Baerends, Els A., Woman is King, Man a Mere Child: Some notes on the socio-legal position of women among the Anufom of Northern Togo. 30-31: 33-75 (1990-91) article (pdf)

Bank, Leslie, and Roger Southall, Traditional Leaders in South Africa's new Democracy. 37-38: 407-430 (1996) article (pdf) article (htm)

Barbier, Jean-Claude, Mais, qui est chef? Esquisse de la chefferie coutumière. 25-26: 327-339 (1987) article (pdf)

Basu, Srimati, Playing off Courts: The Negotiation of Divorce and Violence in Plural Legal Settings in Kolkata. 52: 41-75 (2006) abstract article (pdf) article (htm)

Bates, Karine, The Hindu Succession Act: One Law, Plural Identities. 50: 119-144 (2004) abstract article (pdf) article (htm)

Bavinck, Maarten, ‘A Matter of Maintaining Peace’: State Accommodation to Subordinate Legal Systems: The Case of Fisheries along the Coromandel Coast of amil Nadu, India. 40: 151-170 (1998) article (pdf) article (htm)

Bayne, Peter, Abdul Paliwala and Jean Zorn, Economic Development and the Changing Legal System of Papua New Guinea. 16: 3-79 (1978)    article (pdf)

Beckstrom, John H., Paternity Actions in Ethiopia Ten Years After the Civil Code. 10: 47-65 (1974) article (pdf)

Beede, Benjamin R., and Albert P. Blaustein, African Legal Periodicals: A Bibliography. 11: 71-79 (1974) article (pdf)

Benda-Beckmann, Franz von, Scape-Goat and Magic Charm: Law in Development Theory and Practice. 28: 129-148 (1989) article (pdf)

Benda-Beckmann, Franz von, Some Comments on the Problems of Comparing the Relationship Between Traditional and State Systems of Justice in Africa and Indonesia. 19: 165-175 (1981)  article (pdf)

Benda-Beckmann, Franz von, Who’s Afraid Of Legal Pluralism? 47: 37-82 (2002) abstract article (pdf) article (htm)

Benda-Beckmann, Franz von, and Keebet von Benda-Beckmann, The Dynamics of Change and Continuity in Plural Legal Orders. 53-54: 1-44 (2006) abstract article (pdf) article (htm)

Benda-Beckmann, Franz von, and Keebet von Benda-Beckmann, Changing One is Changing All: Dynamics in the Adat-Islam-State Triangle. 53-54: 239-270 (2006) abstract article (pdf) article (htm)

Benda-Beckmann, Franz von, and Hans F. Vermeulen, Adat Law and Legal Anthropology: In Memoriam Johan Frederik (Hans) Holleman (18 December 1915 –28 August 2001); with a Bibliography. 46: 103-114 (2001) abstract article (pdf) article (htm)

Benda-Beckmann, Keebet von, Development, Law and Gender-Skewing: An examination of the impact of development on the socio-legal position of Indonesian women, with special reference to Minangkabau. 30-31: 87-120 (1990-91) article (pdf)

Benda-Beckmann, Keebet von, Forum Shopping and Shopping Forums - Dispute Settlement in a Minangkabau Village in West Sumatra. 19: 117-159 (1981) article (pdf)

Benda-Beckmann, Keebet von, The Social Significance of Minangkabau State Court Decisions. 23: 1-68 (1985) article (pdf)

Benda-Beckmann, Keebet von, and Franz von Benda-Beckmann, The Dynamics of Change and Continuity in Plural Legal Orders. 53-54: 1-44 (2006) abstract article (pdf) article (htm)

Benda-Beckmann, Keebet von, and Franz von Benda-Beckmann, Changing One is Changing All: Dynamics in the Adat-Islam-State Triangle. 53-54: 239-270 (2006) abstract article (pdf) article (htm)

Berhe, Zemariam, and John Ross, Legal Aspects of Doing Business in Addis Ababa: A Profile of Mercato Businessmen and Their Reception of New Laws. 10: 1-46 (1974) article (pdf)

Besson, Jean, Folk Law and Legal Pluralism in Jamaica: A view from the Plantation-Peasant Interface. 43: 31-56 (1999) abstract article (pdf) article (htm)

Beyer, Judith, Revitalisation, Invention and Continued Existence of the Kyrgyz Aksakal Courts: Listening to Pluralistic Accounts of History. 53-54: 141-176 (2006). abstract article (pdf) article (htm)

Bidaguren, Jokin Alberdi, and Daniel Nina Estrella, Governability and Forms of Popular Justice in the new South Africa and Mozambique: Community Courts and Vigilantism. 47: 113-135 (2002) abstract article (pdf) article (htm)

Bierschenk, Thomas, The Everyday Functioning of an African Public Service: Informalization, Privatization and Corruption in Benin's Legal System. 57: 101-139 (2008) abstract article (pdf)

Binsbergen, Wim van, Chiefs and the State in Independent Zambia: Exploring the Zambian National Press. 25-26: 139-201 (1987) article (pdf)

Black, Ann, Replicating 'A Model of Mutual Respect': Could Singapore's Legal Pluralism Work in Australia?. 65: 65-102 (2012)abstract article (pdf)

Blankenburg, Erhard, Beleid - A very Dutch Legal Term. 41: 65-74 (1998) article (pdf) article (htm)

Blaustein, Albert P., and Benjamin R. Beede, African Legal Periodicals: A Bibliography. 11: 71-79 (1974) article (pdf)

Blum, Annette, The Continental Shelf Convention and African Ratification. 6: 35-46 (1972) article (pdf)

Böcker, Anita, Migration and Social Security: The Case of Turkish Migrants in the Netherlands and their Relatives at Home. 33: 13-31 (1993) article (pdf)

Böcker, Anita, Social Security in Turkish Migrant Families in the Netherlands. 32: 1-18 (1992) article (pdf)

Boeck, Filip De, Democracy and the State-Society Paradigm: Reflections on S. Adelman's Paper. 42: 89-94 (1998) article (pdf) article (htm)

Bouman, Marlies, A Note on Chiefly and National Policing in Botswana. 25-26: 275-300 (1987) article (pdf)

Bräuchler, Birgit, The Revival Dilemma: Reflections on Human Rights, Self-Determination and Legal Pluralism in Eastern Indonesia.:     1-42 (2010) abstract article (pdf)

Brouwer, Roland, Changing Name-Tags: A Legal Anthropological Approach to Communal Lands in Portugal. 43: 1-30 (1999) abstract article (pdf) article (htm)

Brusina, Olga, Folk Law in the System of Power of Central Asian States and the Legal Status of the Russian-Speaking Population. 45: 71-76 (2000) abstract article (pdf) article (htm)

Brusina, Olga, The Russian Experience of Reforming Nomadic Courts According to Adat in Turkestan, 1850-1900. 52: 31-40 (2006) abstract article (pdf) article (htm)

Brydon, Lynne, Women Chiefs and Power in the Volta Region of Ghana. 37-38: 227-247 (1996) article (pdf) article (htm)

Bukurura, Sufian Hemed, The Maintenance of Order in Rural Tanzania: The Case of Sungusungu. 34: 1-29 (1994) article (pdf) article (htm)

Burns, Peter, The Myth of Adat. 28: 1-127 (1989) article (pdf)


Carter, Marshall, and Otwin Marenin, Police in the Community: Perceptions of a Government Agency in Nigeria. 15: 9-28 (1977) article (pdf)

Casimiro Isabel, Bart Rwezaura, Alice Armstrong, Welshman Ncube, Julie Stewart, Puleng Letuka, Priscilla Musanya and Mothokoa Mamashela, Parting the Long Grass: Revealing and Reconceptualising the African Family. 35: 25-73 (1995) article (pdf) article (htm)

Cavender, Gray, A Note on Voudou as an Alternative Mechanism for Addressing Legal Problems. 27: 1-17 (1988) article (pdf)

Chaïbou, Abdourahaman, La jurisprudence nigérienne en droit de la famille et l'émergence de la notion de ‘coutume urbaine42: 157-170 (1998) article (pdf) article (htm)

Chanock, Martin, Neo-Traditionalism and the Customary Law in Malawi. 16: 80-91 (1978) article (pdf)

Chantrill, Paul, Aboriginal Community Justice Groups and the Struggle for Legal Pluralism in Australia. 40: 23-60 (1998) article (pdf) article (htm)

Chapman, Peter, Stephen Lubkemann and Deborah Isser, Neither State nor Custom – Just Naked Power: The Consequences of Ideals-Oriented Rule of Law Policy-Making in Liberia. 63: 73-1009 (2011) abstract article (pdf)

Chesterman, Simon, ‘Skeletal Legal Principles’: The Concept of Law in Australian Land Rights Jurisprudence. 40: 61-88 (1998) article (pdf) article (htm)

Chiba, Masaji, Legal Pluralism in Sri Lankan Society: Toward a General Theory of Non-Western Law. 33: 197-212 (1993) article (pdf)

Chiba, Masaji, The Intermediate Variable of Legal Concepts. 41: 131-143 (1998) article (pdf) article (htm)

Chimango, L.J., Women without "Ankhoswe" in Malawi: A Discussion of the Legal Position of Women who enter into Informal Marital Relations. 15: 54-61 (1977) article (pdf)

Christos, Gebre Medhin Gebre, and T. Clark Dove, The Law and Practice of Handling Juveniles in the Courts of Addis Ababa. 8: 29-83 (1973)  article (pdf)

Cissé, Salmana and Lorenzo Cotula, Changes in ‘Customary’ Resource Tenure Systems in the Inner Niger Delta, Mali. 52: 1-29 (2006) abstract article (pdf) article (htm)

Claessen, Henri J.M., Kings, Chiefs and Officials: The Political Organization of Dahomey and Buganda Compared. 25-26: 203-241 (1987) article (pdf)

Clairmont, Donald, Alternative Justice Issues for Aboriginal Justice. 36: 125-157 (1996) article (pdf) article (htm)

Cohen, John M., and Peter H. Keohn, Rural and Urban Land Reform in Ethiopia. 14: 3-62 (1977) article (pdf)

Coldham, Simon, Registration of Group Ranches Among the Masai of Kenya: Some Legal Problems. 20: 1-16 (1982) article (pdf)

Cooney, Mark, The Informal Social Control of Homicide. 34: 31-59 (1994) article (pdf) article (htm)

Corradi, Giselle, Human Rights Promotion in Post Conflict Sierra Leone: Coming to Grips with Plurality in Customary Justice. 60: 73-103  (2010) abstract article (pdf)

Corradi, Giselle, Access to Justice in Pemba City: How Exploring Women's Lived Realities with Plural Law Uncovers Programmatic Gaps.   64:1-31 (2011) abstract article (pdf)

Corrin Care, Jennifer, Customary Law and Human Rights in Solomon Islands: A Commentary on Remisio Pusi v James Leni and Others. 43: 135-144 (1999) abstract article (pdf) article (htm)

Corrin, Jennifer, Moving Beyond the Hierarchical Approach to Legal Pluralism in the South Pacific. 59: 29-48 (2009) abstract article (pdf)

Corrin, Jennifer, A Question of Identity: Complexities of State Law Pluralism in the South Pacific. 61: 145-170 (2010) abstract article (pdf)

Corrin Care, Jennifer, and Jean G. Zorn, Legislating Pluralism: Statutory 'Developments' in Melanesian Customary Law. 46: 49-101 (2001) abstract article (pdf) article (htm)

Cottino, Amedeo, Peasant Conflicts in the Italian Countryside at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century. 24: 77-100 (1986) article (pdf)

Cottino, Amedeo, Honor as Property. 33: 33-52 (1993) article (pdf)

Cottrell, Jill, A Bibliography of Materials on Nigerian Law Published in Nigeria. 9: 1-37 (1973)  article (pdf)

Cottrell, Jill, Law Reports in Nigeria. 7: 63-72 (1972)  article (pdf)

Cotula, Lorenzo and Salmana Cissé, Changes in ‘Customary’ Resource Tenure Systems in the Inner Niger Delta, Mali. 52: 1-29 (2006) abstract article (pdf) article (htm)

Crawford, Tad, Ghana: Marriage and Divorce. 4: 27-45 (1971)  article (pdf)

Crnkovich, Mary, A Sentencing Circle. 36: 159-181 (1996) article (pdf) article (htm)

Croce, Mariano, All Law is Plural. Legal Pluralism and the Distinctiveness of Law. 65: 1-30 (2012) abstract  article (pdf)

Croce, Mariano and Andrea Salvatore, Ethical Substance and the Coexistence of Normative Orders. Carl Schmitt, Santi Romano, and Critical Institutionalism. 56: 1-32 (2007) abstract article (pdf)

Crook, Richard C., Access to Justice and Land Disputes in Ghana's State Courts: The Litigants' Perspective. 50: 1-28 (2004) abstract article (pdf) article (htm)


Daannaa, H.S., The Acephalous Society and the Indirect Rule System in Africa: British Colonial Administrative Policy in Retrospect. 34: 61-85 (1994) article (pdf) article (htm)

Damren, Samuel C., Restorative Justice: Prison and the Native Sense of Justice. 47: 83-111 (2002) abstract article (pdf) article (htm)

Daneel, M.L., Environmental Reform: A new Venture of Zimbabwe's Traditional Custodians of the Land. 37-38: 347-376 (1996) article (pdf) article (htm)

Dascalopoulos-Capetanakis, Sophie, The Notion of Female Property: A comparative study of property relationships in the Dodecanese and the northern Peloponnese (19th – early 20th century). 30-31: 273-302 (1990-91) article (pdf)

Denhez, Marc, The Role of 'Folk Law' as Evidence of Historical Title in International Boundary Claims23: 69-101 (1985) article (pdf)

Depew, Robert C., Popular Justice and Aboriginal Communities: Some Preliminary Considerations. 36: 21-67 (1996) article (pdf) article (htm)

Devisch, René, Colonial State Building in The Congo, and its Dismantling. 42: 221-244 (1998) article (pdf) article (htm)

Dinnen, Sinclair, Sentencing, Custom and the Rule of Law in Papua New Guinea. 27: 19-54 (1988) article (pdf)

Douglas, Heather, and Abdi Hersi, Khat and Islamic Legal Perspectives: Issues for Consideration. 62: 95-114 (2011)  abstract article (pdf)

Dove, T. Clark, and Gebre Medhin Gebre Christos, The Law and Practice of Handling Juveniles in the Courts of Addis Ababa. 8: 29-83 (1973) article (pdf)

Dowd, Lynette Toni, and Anne-Katrin Eckermann, Structural Violence and Aboriginal Organisations in Rural-Urban Australia. 27: 55-77 (1988) article (pdf)

Drummond, Susan G., The Process Geography of Law (As Approached Through Andalucian Gitano Family Law). 45: 49-70 (2000) abstract   article (pdf) article (htm)

Dryden, Phyllis Kay, Annotated Bibliography of Political Rights of African Women. 7: 27-61 (1972)  article (pdf)

Dupret, Baudouin, Le juge et le jeu de la normalisation islamique du droit positif. 42: 199-220 (1998) article (pdf) article (htm)

Durojaye, Ebenezer, Substantive Equality and Maternal Mortality in Nigeria. 65: 103-132 (2012) abstract  article (pdf)


Eckermann, Anne-Katrin, and Lynette Toni Dowd, Structural Violence and Aboriginal Organisations in Rural-Urban Australia. 27: 55-77 (1988) article (pdf)

Eckert, Julia, Urban Governance and Emergent Forms of Legal Pluralism in Mumbai. 50: 29-60 (2004) abstract article (pdf) article (htm)

Eckert, Julia, From Subjects to Citizens: Legalism from Below and the Homogenisation of the Legal Sphere. 53-54: 45-75 abstract article (pdf) article (htm)

Editor, The, Acquisition and Use of State Lands in Africa: A Bibliography. 3: 23-52 (1970) article (pdf)

Estrella, Daniel Nina, and Jokin Alberdi Bidaguren, Governability and Forms of Popular Justice in the new South Africa and Mozambique: Community Courts and Vigilantism. 47: 113-135 (2002) abstract article (pdf) article (htm)

Etylin, V.M., and O.D. Tregubov, Traditional and Technological Resource Use in Changing Societies. 46: 165-171 (2001) abstract article (pdf) article (htm)

Eweluka, D.I.O., The Military System of Administration in Nigeria. 10: 61-125 (1974) article (pdf)

Ezejiofor, G., Alienation of Family Property in Nigeria. 12: 4-20 (1975) article (pdf)

Ezejiofor, Gaius, The Law of Patents in Nigeria: A Review. 9: 39-60 (1973)  article (pdf)


Fahey, Richard P., The Poro as a System of Judicial Administration in Northwestern Liberia. 4: 1-25 (1971)  article (pdf)

Falkman, Edwin G., Liberia's Struggle with Western Land Tenure. 6: 1-33 (1972) article (pdf)

Farran, Sue, Is Legal Pluralism an Obstacle to Human Rights? Considerations from the South Pacific. 52: 77-105 (2006) abstract article (pdf) article (htm)

Farran, Sue, Fragmenting Land and the Laws that Govern it. 58: 93-113 (2008) abstract article (pdf)

Farran, Sue, Navigating Between Traditional Land Tenure and Introduced Land Laws in Pacific Island States. 64: 65-90 (2011) abstract       article (pdf)

Finchett-Maddock, Lucy, Finding Space for Resistance Through Legal Pluralism: The Hidden Legality of the UK Social Centre Movement. 61:  31-53 (2010) abstract article (pdf)

Fiske, Jo-Anne, and Patty J. Ginn, Discourse and Defiance: Law, Healing, and the Implications of Communities in Resistance. 45: 115-135 (2000) abstract article (pdf) article (htm)

Fiske, Jo-Anne, Native Women in Reserve Politics: Strategies and Struggles. 30-31: 121-137 (1990-91) article (pdf)

Fiske, Jo-Anne, Positioning the Legal Subject and the Anthropologist: The Challenge of Delgamuuwk to Anthropological Theory. 45: 1-17 (2000) abstract article (pdf) article (htm)

Foblets, Marie-Claire and Filip Reyntjens, Urban Normative Fields in Africa Today
Champs normatifs urbains en afrique contemporaine
. 42: 1-8 (1998) article (pdf) article (htm)

Foblets, Marie-Claire, 'A la recherche d'une justice perdue': Les procédures alternatives de réglement de conflits. 36: 9-20 (1996) article (pdf) article (htm)

Forsyth, Miranda, A Typology of Relationships Between State and Non-State Justice Systems. 56: 67-112 (2007). abstract article (pdf) 

Forsyth, Miranda, Spinning a Conflict Management Web in Vanuatu: Creating and Strengthening Links Between State and Non-State Legal Institutions. 63: 179-205abstract article (pdf)

Fournier, Pascale, Halacha, the 'Jewish State' and the Canadian Agunah: Comparative Law at the Intersection of Religious and Secular Orders. 65: 165-204 abstract   article (pdf)

Fulton, Kathryn, When Legal Proceduralism Confuses the Values of Leadership: 'Official' and 'Unofficial' Law in a Tlingit Community. 50: 145-160 (2004) abstract article (pdf) article (htm)


Galanter, Marc, Justice in Many Rooms - Courts, Private Ordering, and Indigenous Law. 19: 1-47 (1981)  article (pdf)

Galindo, Fernando, The Communicative Concept of Law. 41: 111-129 (1998) article (pdf) article (htm)

Gallez, Emilie, and Benjamin Rubbers, Why do Congolese People go to Court? A Qualitative Study of Litigants’ Experiences in two Justice of the Peace Courts in Lubumbashi. 66: 79-108 (2012) abstract

Gbaguidi, Ahonagnon Nöel, Revendication du monopole foncier de l'état, l'intangibilité du titre foncier et l'accès à la terre au Bénin. 39: 43-68 (1997) article (pdf) article (htm)

Geraghty, Thomas F.. Field Research in Ethiopian Law. 3: 17-22 (1970) article (pdf)

Geschiere, Peter, Chiefs and the Problem of Witchcraft: Varying Patterns in South and West Cameroon. 37-38: 307-327 (1996) article (pdf) article (htm)

Ghai, Yash P., Notes Towards a Theory of Law and Ideology: Tanzanian Perspectives. 13: 31-105 (1976) article (pdf)

Gillen, Martina, The Problem of Jural Typology in Tribal Societies: Pre-Contact America and Gaelic Ireland - A Case Study. 52: 107-146 (2006) abstract article (pdf) article (htm)

Ginn, Patty J., and Jo-Anne Fiske, Discourse and Defiance: Law, Healing, and the Implications of Communities in Resistance. 45: 115-135 (2000) abstract article (pdf) article (htm)

Godoy, Arnaldo Moraes, Globalization, State Law and Legal Pluralism in Brazil. 50: 61-69 (2004) abstract article (pdf) article (htm)

Goldschmidt, Jenny, Ghana Between the Second and the Third Republican Era: Recent Constitutional Developments and Their Relation to Traditional Laws and Institutions. 18: 43-61 (1980)  article (pdf)

Goodale, Mark, Leopold Pospisil: A Critical Reappraisal. 40: 123-149 (1998) article (pdf) article (htm)

Gould, Larry A., The Impact of Working in Two Worlds and its Effect on Navajo Police Officers. 44: 53-71 (1999) abstract article (pdf) article (htm)

Gozdecka, Dorota A. and Amy R. Jackson, Caught Between Different Legal Pluralisms: Women who Wear Islamic Dress as the Religious 'Other' in European Rights Discourses. 64: 91-120 (2011) abstract article (pdf)

Greenhouse, Carol J., and Fons Strijbosch, Introduction. 33: 1-9 (1993) article (pdf)

Greenhouse, Carol J., Legal Pluralism and Cultural Difference: What is the Difference? A Response to Professor Woodman. 42: 61-72 (1998) article (pdf) article (htm)

Greenhouse, Carol J., Nature is to Culture as Praying is to Suing: Legal Pluralism in an American Suburb. 20: 17-35 (1982) article (pdf)

Griffiths, Anne, Between Paradigms: Differing Perspectives on Justice in Molepolole Botswana. 36: 195-214 (1996) article (pdf) article (htm)

Griffiths, Anne, Delivering Justice: The Changing Gendered Dynamics of Land Tenure in Botswana. 63: 231-262 (2011)abstract article (pdf)

Griffiths, Anne, Legal Pluralism in Botswana: Women's Access to Law. 42: 123-138 (1998) article (pdf) article (htm)

Griffiths, Anne, Pursuing Legal Pluralism: The Power of Paradigms in a Global World. 64: 173-202 (2011) abstract article (pdf)

Griffiths, Anne, Support for Women with Dependent Children under the Customary System of the Bakwena and the Roman-Dutch Common Law and Statutory Law of Botswana. 22: 1-15 (1984) article (pdf)

Griffiths, Anne, The 'Women's Question' in Kwena Family Disputes. 30-31: 223-254 (1990-91) article (pdf)

Griffiths, John, E.A.B. van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal, A La Recherche de la Justice: quelques aspects du droit matrimonial et de la justice du Juge du Paix et du Chef Supérieur des Anufòm à Mango dans le Nord du Togo. 15: 100-117 (1977) article (pdf)

Griffiths, John, The Social Working of Legal Rules. 48: 1-84 (2003) abstract article (pdf) article (htm)

Griffiths, John, Village Justice in the Netherlands (review essay on G. van den Burgh et al., Staphorst en zijn Gerichten. 22: 17-42 (1984) article (pdf)

Griffiths, John, What is Legal Pluralism? 24: 1-55 (1986) article (pdf)

Grönfors, Martti, Social Control and Law in the Finnish Gypsy Community: Blood Feuding as a System of Justice. 24: 101-125 (1986) article (pdf)

Gupta, Nidhi, Women’s Human Rights and the Practice of Dowry in India: Adapting a Global Discourse to Local Demands. 48: 85-123 (2003) abstract article (pdf) article (htm)


Harboe Knudsen, Ida, The Insiders and the Outsiders: Standardization and 'Failed' Person-Making in a Lithuanian Market Place. 62: 71-93   (2010) abstract  article (pdf)

Harrell-Bond, Barbara E., Legitimacy and the Politics of Status: An Abortive Legislative Change in Sierra Leone. 12: 21-58 (1975)  article (pdf)

Hatt, Doyle G., Establishing Tradition: The Development of Chiefly Authority in the Western High Atlas Mountains of Morocco, 1890-1990. 37-38: 123-153 (1996) article (pdf) article (htm)

Hayden, Robert, A Note on Caste Panchayats and Government Courts in India: Different Kinds of Stages for Different Kinds of Performances. 22: 43-52 (1984) article (pdf)

Hazard, John N., Implementing in Law Post-Keita Mali's Retreat from 'Scientific Socialism'. 7: 1-26 (1972) article (pdf)

Herrington, Wayne W., Oil Pollution: Its Nature and Africa's Legislative Response. 4: 47-64 (1971) article (pdf)

Hersi, Abdi, and Heather Douglas, Khat and Islamic Legal Perspectives: Issues for Consideration. 62: 95-114 (2011) abstract article (pdf)

Hinz, Manfred O., Profession: "Poacher": New Strategies to Accommodate Indigenous Rights Over Natural Resources. 44: 15-31 (1999) abstract article (pdf) article (htm)

Hinz, Manfred, O., Law Reform from Within: Improving the Legal Status of Women in Northern Nambia. 39: 69-79 (1997) article (pdf) article (htm)

Hoekema, André, European Legal Encounters Between Minority and Majority Cultures: Cases of Interlegality. 51: 1-28 (2005) abstract article (pdf) article (htm)

Holden, Livia, Official Policies for (Un)Official Customs: The Hegemonic Treatment of Hindu Divorce Customs by Dominant Legal Discourses. 49: 47-74 (2004) abstract article (pdf) article (htm)

Holleman, J.F., Disparities and Uncertainties in African Law and Judicial Authority: A Rhodesian Case Study. 17: 1-35 (1979) article (pdf)

Home, Robert and Haitam Suleiman, ‘God is an Absentee, Too’: The Treatment of Waqf (Islamic Trust) Land in Israel/Palestine. 59: 49-65 (2009) abstract article (pdf)

Hong Tschalaer, Mengia, Women Entering the Legal Landscape: Negotiating Legal Gender Reforms in a ‘Tribal’ Women’s Forum in South Rajasthan, India. 60: <41-72 (2010) abstract article (pdf)

Howes, David, Inverted Precedents: Legal Reasoning as 'Mythologic'. 33: 199-229 (1993) article (pdf)

Huber, Barbara, A Note on Village Courts in Papua-New Guinea. 19: 161-163 (1981) article (pdf)

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