Book Review Index

Book Review Index



This Index includes a list of all book reviews headed “shorter reviews” and “briefly noted” with links to pdfs of the reviews.  Works only listed and not reviewed in the journal are not included in this Index.

Review articles are listed in the Index to Articles here.

Part I of the index (below) lists book reviews in alphabetical order of names of authors and editors of the books reviewed. 

Part II lists book reviews in alphabetical order of names of the books reviewed.

I. A-Z Authors

Part I. Index of Book Reviews in Alphabetical Order of Authors and Editors of Books Reviewed

The order of each entry in Part I is:

Name(s) of the author(s) or editor(s) of the reviewed work, Title of book reviewed (year of book publication). Journal Number: first and last pages of review. (Author(s) of the review, if stated.)




Adedeji, Adebayo, and Goran Hyden (eds.), Developing Research on African Administration: Some Methodological Issues (1974) 13: 178. (Richard L. Abel)  review (pdf)

Adesanya, M.O., and E.O. Oloyede, Business Law in Nigeria (1972). 8: 126  review (pdf)

Agersnap, Torben, Agnete Weis Bentzon, Anne Hellum, Julie Stewart and Welshman Ncube, Pursuing Grounded Theory in Law: South-North Experiences in Developing Women's Law (1998). 43: 169-174. (Ambreena Manji)  review (pdf)

Agribusiness Council, Agricultural Initiative in the Third World. A Report on the Conference: Science and Agribusiness in the Seventies (1975). 14: 110-111. (Francis G. Snyder)  review (pdf)

Allott, A.N., and G.R. Woodman (eds.), People's Law and State Law: The Bellagio Papers (1985). 24: 171-173. (Simon Roberts)  review (pdf)

Améga, A., and Emile van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal (eds.), La Réforme agro-foncière dans les Pays du Conseil de l'Entente en Afrique de l'Ouest (1979). 20: 151-153. (Francis G. Snyder)  review (pdf)

Andemicael, Berhanykun, The OAU and the UN: Relations Between the Organization of African Unity and the United Nations (19760029. 16: 179-183. (Karl R. Morthole)  review (pdf)

Anderson III, H. Edwin, and James M. Donovan, Anthropology & Law (2003). 48: 191-198. (Jogchum Vrielink)  review (pdf)

Arthurs, H.W., Without the Law: Administrative Justice and Legal Pluralism in Nineteenth-Century England (1985). 27: 135-143. (Peter Fitzpatrick and Alfred Rüegg)  review (pdf)

Assies, Willem J., Janine Ubink and André J. Hoekema (eds.), Legalising Land Rights. Local Practices, State Responses and Tenure Security in Africa, Asia and Latin America (2009). 59: 157-160. (Christian Lund)  review (pdf)

Australian Law Reform Commission, Research Papers 1-15 on the References on Aboriginal Customary Law. (1982-1984). 23: 225-230. (Gordon R. Woodman)  review (pdf)

Australian Law Reform Commission, The Recognition of Aboriginal Customary Laws, Report No. 31 (1986). 27: 179-184. (Gordon R. Woodman)  review (pdf)


Bainbridge, J.S., The Study and Teaching of Law in Africa (1972). 8: 89-91. (James C.N. Paul)  review (pdf)

Baker, Colin, and M. Balogun (eds.), Ife Essays in Administration (1975). 13: 176. (Richard L. Abel)  review (pdf)

Ball, John, Indonesian Legal History, 1602-1848 (1982). 22: 141-142. (M.B. Hooker)  review (pdf)

Ballard, Roger, Ralph Grillo, Alessandro Ferrari, André J. Hoekema, Marcel Maussen and Prakash Shah (eds.), Legal Practice and Cultural Diversity (2009). 59: 149-155. (Amy Jackson)  review (pdf)

Balogun, M., and Colin Baker (eds.), Ife Essays in Administration (1975). 13: 176. (Richard L. Abel)  review (pdf)

Barnes, Carolyn, and Philip M. Mbithi, The Spontaneous Settlement Problem in Kenya (1975). 13: 179-180. (Richard L. Abel)  review (pdf)

Barrows, Walter, Grassroots Politics in an African State: Integration and Development in Sierra Leone (1976). 15: 127-129. (Richard Stren)  review (pdf)

Bay, Edna G., and Nancy J. Hafkin (eds.), Women in Africa: Studies in Social and Economic Change (1976). 16: 171-173. (June Starr)        review (pdf)

Bell, Trevor, Industrial Decentralization in South Africa (1973) 13: 156-162. (Ann Seidman)  review (pdf)

Benda-Beckmann, F. von, Property in Social Continuity: Continuity and Change in the Maintenance of Property Relationships Through Time in Minangkabau, West Sumatra (1979). 21: 163-166. (Sally Falk Moore)  review (pdf)

Benda-Beckmann, F. von, K. von Benda-Beckmann, E. Casino, F. Hirtz, G.R. Woodman and H.F. Zacher (eds.), Between Kinship and the State: Social Security and Law in Developing Countries (1988). 28: 173-180. (Sally Engle Merry)  review (pdf)

Benda-Beckmann, Franz and Keebet von, and André Hoekema (Guest Eds.), Natural Resources, Environment and Legal Pluralism.. Special Issue of Law and Anthropology: International Yearbook for Legal Anthropology (1997). 43: 181-186. (Melanie G. Wiber)  review (pdf)

Benda-Beckmann, Franz von, Keebet von Benda-Beckmann, and Anne Griffiths (eds), The Power of Law in a Transnational World: Anthropological Enquiries (2009). 58: 115-118. (Ralph Grillo)  review (pdf)

Benda-Beckmann, Keebet von, and Fons Strijbosch (eds.), Anthropology of Law in the Netherlands: Essays in Legal Pluralism (1986). 24: 161-170. (Heleen Ietswaart)  review (pdf)

Benda-Beckmann, Keebet von, The Broken Stairways to Consensus: Village Justice and State Courts in Minangkabau (1984). 27: 153-159. (Francis Snyder)  review (pdf)

Benda-Beckmann, K. von, F. von Benda-Beckmann, E. Casino, F. Hirtz, G.R. Woodman and H.F. Zacher (eds.), Between Kinship and the State: Social Security and Law in Developing Countries (1988). 28: 173-180. (Sally Engle Merry)  review (pdf)

Benda-Beckmann, Keebet von, Franz von Benda-Beckmann, and Anne Griffiths (eds), The Power of Law in a Transnational World: Anthropological Enquiries (2009). 58: 115-118. (Ralph Grillo)  review (pdf)

Bennett, T., A Sourcebook of African Customary Law in Southern Africa (1991). 35: 149-150. (Tom Quinlan)  review (pdf)

Bentzon, Agnete Weis, Anne Hellum, Julie Stewart, Welshman Ncube and Torben Agersnap, Pursuing Grounded Theory in Law: South-North Experiences in Developing Women's Law (1998). 43: 169-174. (Ambreena Manji)  review (pdf)

Black, Donald (ed.), Toward a General Theory of Social Control; Vol. I Fundamentals; Vol. II Selected Problems.(1984). 23: 209-219. (Govaert C.J.J. van den Bergh)  review (pdf)

Bostock Mark, and Charles Harvey, Economic Independence and Zambian Copper - A Case Study of Foreign Investment (1972). 9: 129-131. (David N. Smith)  review (pdf)

Bretton, Henry L., Power and Politics in Africa (1973). 9: 123-127. (Robert D. Grey)  review (pdf)

Brotz, Howard, The Politics of South Africa: Democracy and Racial Diversity (1977). 16: 183-187. (Roger J. Southall)  review (pdf)

Brown, Kenneth, Reconciling Customary Law and Received Law in Melanesia: the Post-Independence Experience in Solomon Islands and Vanuatu (2005). 52: 215-219. (Gordon R. Woodman)  review (pdf)

Brownlie, I., Basic Documents on African Affairs (1971). 6: 171  review (pdf)

Burman, S., and B.E. Harrell-Bond (eds.), The Imposition of Law (1979). 22: 157-162. (June Starr)  review (pdf)


C.R.E.D.I.L.A., Repertoire de Jurisprudence Sénégalaise en Matière de Status Personnel (1976). 15: 136. (Francis G. Snyder)  review (pdf)

Casino, E., F. von Benda-Beckmann, K. von Benda-Beckmann, F. Hirtz, G.R. Woodman and H.F. Zacher (eds.), Between Kinship and the State: Social Security and Law in Developing Countries (1988). 28: 173-180. (Sally Engle Merry)  review (pdf)

Cederroth, Sven, Sharifah Zaleha and Syed Hassan, Managing Marital Disputes in Malaysia: Islamic Mediators and Conflict Resolution in the Syariah Courts (1997). 40: 179-181. (Lawrence Rosen)  review (pdf)

Chambers, Robert, Managing Rural Development: Ideas and Experience from East Africa (1974). 14: 116-117. (Francis G. Snyder)  review (pdf)

Chen, Lung-Chu, An Introduction to Contemporary International Law, 2nd ed.(2001). 47: 147-148. (Frank Wooldridge)  review (pdf)

Chevallier, Jacques, Danièle Loschak et alii, Le Droit en Procès (1983). 24: 175-176. (Etienne le Roy)  review (pdf)

Chiba, Masaji, Legal Pluralism: Toward a General Theory Through Japanese Culture (1989). 32: 141-148. (Gordon R. Woodman)  review (pdf)

Claverie, Elizabeth, and Paul Lamaison, L'Impossible Marriage, Violence et Parenté en Gévaudan, 17e, 18e et 19e Siècles (1982). 24: 155-160. (Yves Dezalay)  review (pdf)

Clifford, W., An Introduction to African Criminology (1974) 13: 176-178. (Richard L. Abel)  review (pdf)

Cohn, Helen D., Soviet Policy Toward Black Africa: The Focus on National Integration (1972). 8: 115-118. (Chris Osakwe)  review (pdf)

Comaroff,  J.L., and S. Roberts, Rules and Processes: The Cultural Logic of Dispute in an African Context (1981). 21: 155-157. (Etienne LeRoy)  review (pdf)

Cotran, E. and N. Rubin (eds.), Annual Survey of African Law, Volume II, 1968 (1971). 6: 169-170. (David N. Smith)  review (pdf)

Cotran, Eugene, Casebook on Kenya Customary Law (1987). 32: 149-153. (Gordon R. Woodman)  review (pdf)

Coulon, Ch., Les musulmans et le pouvoir en Afrique noir (1983). 22: 143-145. (Etienne Le Roy)  review (pdf)


Daniels, W.C. Ekow, and Gordon Woodman (eds.) Essays in Ghanaian Law: Supreme Court Centenary Publication 1876-1976 (1976). 17: 71-76. (Peter Sevareid)  review (pdf)

Darian-Smith, Eve (ed.), Ethnography and Law (2007). 57: 175-177. (Franz von Benda-Beckmann)  review (pdf)

Davis, Kevin E., Angelina Fisher, Benedict Kingsbury and Sally Engle Merry (eds.), Governance by Indicators. Global Power through Quantification and Rankings (2012). 66: 109-113. (Melanie G. Wiber) review (pdf)

Dias, C.J., R. Luckham and J.C.N. Paul, Lawyers in the Third World: Comparative and Developmental Perspectives (1981). 20: 129-136. (Peter Fitzpatrick)  review (pdf)

Doeker-Mach, Guenther, and Klaus A. Ziegert (eds.), Law, Legal Culture and Politics in the Twenty First Century. Essays in Honour of Alice Erh-Soon Tay (2004). 56: 113-119. (Wolfgang Fikentscher)  review (pdf)

Donovan, James M., and H. Edwin Anderson III, Anthropology & Law (2003). 48: 191-198. (Jogchum Vrielink)  review (pdf)

Dugard, John, The South West Africa/Namibia Dispute: Documents and Scholarly Writings on the Controversy Between South Africa and the United Nations (1973) 11: 86-89. (Elizabeth S. Landis)  review (pdf)

Dumetz, Marc, Le droit du Marriage en Côte d'Ivoire (1975). 16: 176-178. (Robert J. Mundt)  review (pdf)

Dundes, Alan, and Alison Dundes Renteln (eds.), Folk Law: Essays in the Theory and Practice of Lex non Scripta (1994). 35: 167-172. (Gordon R. Woodman)  review (pdf)

Dutto, Carl A., Nyeri Townsmen in Kenya (1975). 16: 173-175. (Marc H. Ross)  review (pdf)


Elias, T.O., Africa and the Development of International Law (1972). 8: 112-114. (W. Michael Reisman)  review (pdf)


Ferrari, Alessandro, Ralph Grillo, Roger Ballard, André J. Hoekema, Marcel Maussen and Prakash Shah (eds.), Legal Practice and Cultural Diversity (2009). 59: 149-155. (Amy Jackson)  review (pdf)

Fikentscher, Wolfgang, Herbet Franke and Oskar Köhler (eds.), Entstehung und Wandel Rechtlicher Traditionen (1980). 22: 129-133. (Govaert van den Bergh)  review (pdf)

Fisch, Jörg, Cheap Liver and Dear Limbs: The British Transformation of the Bengal Criminal Code, 1769-1917 (1983). 22: 163-165. (Robert Hayden)  review (pdf)

Fisher, Angelina, Kevin E. Davis, Benedict Kingsbury and Sally Engle Merry (eds.), Governance by Indicators. Global Power through Quantification and Rankings (2012). 66: 109-113. (Melanie G. Wiber) review (pdf)

Fitzpatrick, Peter, Law and State in Papua New Guinea (1980). 20: 127-141. (Yash Ghai)  review (pdf)

Foblets, Marie-Claire, Les familles maghrébines et la justice en Belgique (1994). 39: 163-172. (Gordon R. Woodman)  review (pdf)

Foblets, Marie-Claire, Jean-François Gaudreault-DesBiens and Alison Dundes Renteln (eds.), Cultural Diversity and the Law. State Reponses from Around the World (2010). 61: 205-224. (Katayoun Alidadi)  review (pdf)

Franke, Herbet, Wolfgang Fikentscher and Oskar Köhler (eds.), Entstehung und Wandel Rechtlicher Traditionen. 22: 129-133(1980). (Govaert van den Bergh)  review (pdf)


Ganzglass, M.R., The Penal Code of the Somali Democratic Republic (1971). 5: 115. (Phyllis K. Dryden)  review (pdf)

Garlick, Peter C., African Traders and Economic Development in Ghana (1972). 8:126  review (pdf)

Gaudreault-DesBiens, Jean-François, Marie-Claire Foblets and Alison Dundes Renteln (eds.), Cultural Diversity and the Law. State Reponses from Around the World (2010). 61: 205-224. (Katayoun Alidadi)  review (pdf)

Gbaguidi, Ahonagnon Noel, Erbrecht an Grund und Boden in Benin (1994). 40: 183-186. (Gordon R. Woodman)  review (pdf)

Gelfand, Michael, and Bennie Goldin, African Law and Custom in Rhodesia (1975). 13: 181-182. (Richard L. Abel)  review (pdf)

Ghai, Yash P., Reflections on Law and Economic Integration in East Africa (1976). 16: 168-171. (Ann Seidman)  review (pdf)

Ghai, Yash, Francis Snyder and Robin Luckham (eds.), The Political Economy of Law: A Third World Reader (1987). 28: 181-186. (Gordon R. Woodman)  review (pdf)

Goldin, Bennie, and Michael Gelfand, African Law and Custom in Rhodesia (1975). 13: 181-182. (Richard L. Abel)  review (pdf)

Griffiths, Anne M.O., In the Shadow of Marriage: Gender and Justice in an African Community (1997). 43: 159-164. (Jane F. Collier)        review (pdf)

Griffiths, Anne, Franz von Benda-Beckmann and Keebet von Benda-Beckmann (eds), The Power of Law in a Transnational World: Anthropological Enquiries (2009). 58: 115-118. (Ralph Grillo)  review (pdf)

Grillo, Ralph, Roger Ballard, Alessandro Ferrari, André J. Hoekema, Marcel Maussen and Prakash Shah (eds.), Legal Practice and Cultural Diversity (2009). 59: 149-155. (Amy Jackson)  review (pdf)

Guchteneire, Paul de, and Matthias Koenig (eds.), Democracy and Human Rights in Multicultural Societies (2007). 58: 119-125. (Gordon R. Woodman)  review (pdf)

Gulliver, P.H., Disputes and Negotiations: A Cross-Cultural Perspective (1979). 19: 192-194. (Simon Roberts)  review (pdf)


Hafkin, Nancy J., and Edna G. Bay (eds.), Women in Africa: Studies in Social and Economic Change (1976). 16: 171-173. (June Starr)        6 review (pdf)

Hamnett, Ian, Chieftaincy and Legitimacy: An Anthropological Study of Executive Law in Lesotho (1975). 15: 118-122. (Barbara E. Harrell-Bond)  review (pdf)

Hanna, William J., and Judith L., Urban Dynamics in Black Africa: An Interdisciplinary Approach (1971). 8: 126-127  review (pdf)

Harlander, H., and D. Mezger, Development Banking: Seven Case Studies (1971) 12: 129-130. (Robert Pozen)  review (pdf)

Harrell-Bond, Barbara E., and Emile A.B. van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal (ed.), Disparity Between Law and Social Reality in Africa (1975) 13: 162-168. (Francis G. Snyder)  review (pdf)

Harrell-Bond, Barbara E., and Ulrica Rijnsdorp, Family Law in Sierra Leone: a research report (1975) 13: 168-172. (Robert J. Mundt)        review (pdf)

Harrell-Bond, B.E., and S. Burman (eds.), The Imposition of Law (1979). 22: 157-162. (June Starr)  review (pdf)

Harvey, Charles, and Mark Bostock, Economic Independence and Zambian Copper - A Case Study of Foreign Investment (1972). 9: 129-131. (David N. Smith)  review (pdf)

Harvey, William Burnett, An Introduction to the Legal System in East Africa. (1975). 14: 108-110. (H.W.O. Okoth-Ogendo)  review (pdf)

Hassan, Syed, Sharifah Zaleha and Sven Cederroth, Managing Marital Disputes in Malaysia: Islamic Mediators and Conflict Resolution in the Syariah Courts (1997). 40: 179-181. (Lawrence Rosen)  review (pdf)

Hellum, Anne, Agnete Weis Bentzon, Julie Stewart, Welshman Ncube and Torben Agersnap, Pursuing Grounded Theory in Law: South-North Experiences in Developing Women's Law (1998). 43: 169-174. (Ambreena Manji)  review (pdf)

Henderson, Richard N., The King in Every Man: Evolutionary Trends in Onitsha Ibo Society and Culture (1972). 9: 133-134. (Dan F. Bauer)  review (pdf)

Hiller, J.A. and G.F.A.Sawyer, The Doctrine of Precedent in the Court of Appeal for East Africa (1971). 5: 99-110. (Ian R. Macneil)        review (pdf)

Hirtz, F., F. von Benda-Beckmann, K. von Benda-Beckmann, E. Casino, G.R. Woodman and H.F. Zacher (eds.), Between Kinship and the State: Social Security and Law in Developing Countries (1988). 28: 173-180. (Sally Engle Merry)  review (pdf)

Hoben, Allen, Land Tenure Among the Amhara of Ethiopia: The Dynamics of Cognatic Descent (1973) 11: 90-93. (Dan F. Bauer)  review (pdf)

Hodgin, R.W., Cases and Materials on East African Mercantile Law (1972). 6: 171  review (pdf)

Hoekema, André, and Franz and Keebet von Benda-Beckmann (Guest Eds.), Natural Resources, Environment and Legal Pluralism.. Special Issue of Law and Anthropology: International Yearbook for Legal Anthropology (1997). 43: 181-186. (Melanie G. Wiber)  review (pdf)

Hoekema, André J., Ralph Grillo, Roger Ballard, Alessandro Ferrari, Marcel Maussen and Prakash Shah (eds.), Legal Practice and Cultural Diversity (2009). 59: 149-155. (Amy Jackson)  review (pdf)

Hoekema, André J., Janine Ubink and Willem J. Assies (eds.), Legalising Land Rights. Local Practices, State Responses and Tenure Security in Africa, Asia and Latin America (2009). 59: 157-160. (Christian Lund)  review (pdf)

Holleman, J.F. (ed.), Van Vollenhoven on Indonesian Adat Law (1981). 22: 147-155. (Daniel Lev)  review (pdf)

Hoover, Earl L., Francis O. Spalding and John C. Piper, "One Nation, One Judiciary: The Lower Courts of Zambia", Zambia Law Journal, Vol. 2, Nos. 1 & 2 (1970). 8: 97-106. (Richard L. Abel)  review (pdf)

Hopkins, Nicholas S., Popular Government in an African Town: Kita, Mali (1972). 8: 127-128  review (pdf)

Houghton, D. Hobart, The South African Economy (1976). 14: 112-115. (Ann Seidman)  review (pdf)

Hyden, G., R. Jackson and J. Okumu (ed.), Development Administration, The Kenyan Experience (1972). 7: 77-81. (Yash P. Ghai)  review (pdf)

Hyden, Goran, and Adebayo Adedeji (eds.), Developing Research on African Administration: Some Methodological Issues (1974) 13: 178. (Richard L. Abel)  review (pdf)


International Council on Human Rights Policy, When Legal Worlds Overlap: Human Rights, State and Non-State Law (2009). 60: 179-186. (Milena Stefanova and Nicholas Menzies)  review (pdf)

Isaacman, Allen F., Mozambique: The Africanization of a European Institution (1972). 8: 128-129  review (pdf)

Isser, Deborah (ed.), Customary Justice and the Rule of Law in War-Torn Societies (2011). 64: 203-205. (Irene I. Hadiprayitno)review(pdf)


Jackson, R., G. Hyden, and J. Okumu (ed.), Development Administration, The Kenyan Experience (1972). 7: 77-81. (Yash P. Ghai)  review (pdf)

James, R.W. Land Tenure and Policy in Tanzania (1971). 7: 83-84. (Robert B. Stevens)  review (pdf)

Johnstone, Frederick A., Class, Race and Gold: A Study of Class Relations and Racial Discrimination in South Africa (1976). 16: 183-187. (Roger J. Southall)  review (pdf)

Jones, William O., Marketing Staple Food Crops in Tropical Africa (1972). 8: 129  review (pdf)


Khaketla, B.M., Lesotho 1970: An African Coup under the Microscope (1972). 8: 129-130  review (pdf)

Khumalo, J.A.M., Civil Practice and Procedure in all Bantu Courts in Southern Africa (no date). 13: 181. (Richard L. Abel)  review (pdf)

Kingsbury, Benedict, Kevin E. Davis, Angelina Fisher and Sally Engle Merry (eds.), Governance by Indicators. Global Power through Quantification and Rankings (2012). 66: 109-113. (Melanie G. Wiber) 

Kirwen, M., African Widows (1979). 20: 143-149. (B.A. Rwezaura)  review (pdf)

Knight, C. Gregory, Ecology and Change: Rural Modernization in an African Community (1974). 15: 131-135. (Francis G. Snyder)  review (pdf)

Koenig, Matthias, and Paul de Guchteneire (eds.), Democracy and Human Rights in Multicultural Societies (2007). 58: 119-125. (Gordon R. Woodman)  review (pdf)

Köhler, Oskar, Wolfgang Fikentscher and Herbet Franke (eds.), Entstehung und Wandel Rechtlicher Traditionen (1980). 22: 129-133. (Govaert van den Bergh)  review (pdf)

Kurian, George Thomas, Encyclopaedia of the Third World, Revised Edition (1982). 24: 177-179. (Francis Snyder)  review (pdf)


Lamaison, Paul, and Elizabeth Claverie, L'Impossible Marriage, Violence et Parenté en Gévaudan, 17e, 18e et 19e Siècles (1982). 24: 155-160. (Yves Dezalay)  review (pdf)

Law Faculty, University of Ife (ed.), Integration of Customary and Modern Legal Systems in Africa (1971). 9: 99-111. (Peter Sevareid)       review (pdf)

Lerner, Melvin L., and Sally C. (eds.), The Justice Motive in Social Behaviour: Adapting to Times of Scarcity and Change. 22: 121-124 (1981). (Jan ten Kate and Peter van Koppen)  review (pdf)

Liebenow, Gus J., Colonial Rule and Political Development in Tanzania: The Case of the Makonde (1971). 8: 130  review (pdf)

Liebmann, Marian, Restorative Justice: How It Works (2007). 57: 171-174. (Katherine Doolin)  review (pdf)

Loschak, Danièle, Jacques Chevallier et alii, Le Droit en Procès (1983). 24: 175-176. (Etienne le Roy)  review (pdf)

Luckham, R., C.J. Dias and J.C.N. Paul, Lawyers in the Third World: Comparative and Developmental Perspectives (1981). 20: 129-136. (Peter Fitzpatrick)  review (pdf)

Luckham, Robin, (ed.), Law and Social Enquiry: Case Studies of Research (1981). 22: 125-128. (Peter Fitzpatrick)  review (pdf)

Luckham, Robin, Yash Ghai and Francis Snyder (eds.), The Political Economy of Law: A Third World Reader (1987). 28: 181-186. (Gordon R. Woodman)  review (pdf)

Lumley, E.K., Forgotten Mandate: A British District Officer in Tanganyika (1976). 13: 182-187. (Richard L. Abel)  review (pdf)

Lynch, Dennis O., Legal Roles in Colombia (1981). 20: 129-136. (Peter Fitzpatrick)  review (pdf)


Madlener, Kurt (ed.), Jahrbuch für Afrikanisches Recht - Annuaire de droit africain - Yearbook of African Law, Vols. II, III, IV, V (1981-1984). 27: 161-172. (Ulrike Wanitzek)  review (pdf)

Maher, Vanessa, Women and Property in Morocco (1975). 15: 129-131. (Daisy Hilse Dwyer)  review (pdf)

Mamdani, Mahmood, Citizen and Subject: Contemporary Africa and the Legacy of Late Colonialism (1996). 40: 171-177. (Barbara Oomen)  review (pdf)

Marris, Peter, and Anthony Somerset, The African Entrepreneur – A Study of Entrepreneurship and Development in Kenya (1972). 8: 119-125. (Phillip Le Bel)  review (pdf)

Martin, Robert, Personal Freedom and the Law in Tanzania. (1974) 13: 155-156. (Julio Menezes)  review (pdf)

Mathews, A.S., Law, Order and Liberty in South Africa (1972). 8: 92-96. (Michael I. Davis)  review (pdf)

Maussen, Marcel, Ralph Grillo, Roger Ballard, Alessandro Ferrari, André J. Hoekema and Prakash Shah (eds.), Legal Practice and Cultural Diversity (2009). 59: 149-155. (Amy Jackson)  review (pdf)

Mbithi, Philip M., and Carolyn Barnes, The Spontaneous Settlement Problem in Kenya (1975). 13: 179-180. (Richard L. Abel)  review (pdf)

Mehdi, Rubya, The Islamization of the Law in Pakistan (1994). 35: 155-158. (Azza M. Karam)  review (pdf)

Mehdi, Rubya, Gender and Property Law in Pakistan: Resources and Discourses (2001). 48: 185-186. (Lawrence Rosen)  review (pdf)

Melson, Robert, and Howard Wolpe (eds.), Nigeria: Modernization and the Politics of Communalism (1971). 8: 130-131  review (pdf)

Menski, Werner, Comparative law in a Global Context: The Legal Systems of Asia and Africa, 2nd ed. (2006). 52: 207-214. (Gordon R. Woodman)  review (pdf)

Menski, Werner F., and Prakash Shah (eds.), Migration, Diasporas and Legal Systems in Europe (2006). 58: 119-125. (Gordon R. Woodman)  review (pdf)

Mernissi, Fatima, Beyond the Veil: Male-Female Dynamics in a Modern Muslim State (1975). 15: 129-131. (Daisy Hilse Dwyer)  review (pdf)

Merry, Sally Engle, Getting Justice and Getting Even: Legal Consciousness among Working-Class Americans (1990). 32: 155-160. (David M. Engel)  review (pdf)

Merry, Sally Engle, Kevin E. Davis, Angelina Fisher and Benedict Kingsbury (eds.), Governance by Indicators. Global Power through Quantification and Rankings (2012). 66: 109-113. (Melanie G. Wiber) 

Mezger, D., and H. Harlander, Development Banking in Africa: Seven Case Studies (1971). 8: 127  review (pdf)

Mezger, D., and H. Harlander, Development Banking: Seven Case Studies (1971) 12: 129-130. (Robert Pozen)  review (pdf)

Milner, A. (ed.), Modern African Contract Cases (1971). 5: 114. (John S. Bainbridge)  review (pdf)

Minchin, Elizabeth, and Peter Sack (eds.), Legal Pluralism: Proceedings of the Canberra Law Workshop VII (1986). 27: 173-178. (Gordon R. Woodman)  review (pdf)

Minter, William, Portuguese Africa and the West (1972) 11: 81-85. (Nancy T. Hafkin)  review (pdf)

Morse, Bradford W., and Gordon R. Woodman (eds.), Indigenous Law and the State (1988). 39: 141-154. (Samuel O. Gyandoh Jr)  review (pdf)

Mundy, Martha (ed.), Law and Anthropology (2002). 48: 187-189. (Jogchum Vrielink)  review (pdf)

Murphy, James Bernard, and Amanda Perreau-Saussine (eds.), The Nature of Customary Law: Legal, Historical and Philosophical Perspectives (2007). 59: 165-172. (Gordon R. Woodman)  review (pdf)

Mustafa, Zaki, The Common Law in the Sudan – An Account of the Justice, Equity and Good Conscience Provision (1971). 7: 73-75. (Egon Guttman)  review (pdf)


Ncube, Welshman, Agnete Weis Bentzon, Anne Hellum, Julie Stewart and Torben Agersnap, Pursuing Grounded Theory in Law: South-North Experiences in Developing Women's Law (1998). 43: 169-174. (Ambreena Manji)  review (pdf)

Nicol, C.W., From the Roof of Africa (1971). 8: 107-111. (William H. Ewing)  review (pdf)

Nielsen, Marianne O., and Robert A. Silverman (eds.), Criminal Justice in Native America (2009). 59: 145-148. (L. Jane McMillan)  review (pdf)

Nzimiro, Ikenna, Studies in Ibo Political Systems (1972). 8: 131  review (pdf)


Odumosu, O.I. (editor-in-chief), The University of Ife (Nigeria) Law Reports (1971). 8: 131-132  review (pdf)

Okali, Christine, Cocoa and Kinship in Ghana: the Matrilineal Akan of Ghana (1983). 24: 181-189. (Gordon R. Woodman)  review (pdf)

Okumu, J., G. Hyden and R. Jackson, Development Administration, The Kenyan Experience (1972). 7: 77-81. (Yash P. Ghai)  review (pdf)

Oloyede, E.O., and M.O. Adesanya, Business Law in Nigeria (1972). 8: 126  review (pdf)


Palmer, V.V.W. and S. Poulter, The Legal System of Lesotho (1972). 6: 171  review (pdf)

Paul, J.C.N., C.J. Dias and R. Luckham, Lawyers in the Third World: Comparative and Developmental Perspectives (1981). 20: 129-136. (Peter Fitzpatrick)  review (pdf)

Peil, Margaret, The Ghanaian Factory Worker: Industrial Man in Africa (1972). 9: 113-115. (Phillip Le Bel)  review (pdf)

Perreau-Saussine, Amanda, and James Bernard Murphy (eds.), The Nature of Customary Law: Legal, Historical and Philosophical Perspectives (2007). 59: 165-172. (Gordon R. Woodman)  review (pdf)

Petersen, Hanne, and Henrik Zahle (eds.), Legal Polycentricity: Consequences of Pluralism in Law (1995) 39: 155-162. (Gordon R. Woodman)  review (pdf)

Piper, John C., Francis O. Spalding and Earl L. Hoover, "One Nation, One Judiciary: The Lower Courts of Zambia", Zambia Law Journal, Vol. 2, Nos. 1 & 2 (1970). 8: 97-106. (Richard L. Abel)  review (pdf)

Pirie, Fernanda, Peace and Conflict in Ladakh: The construction of a fragile web of order. Brills Tibetan Studies Library, Vol. 13 (2007). 59: 161-164. (Judith Beyer)  review (pdf)

Poulter, S. and V.V.W. Palmer, The Legal System of Lesotho (1972). 6: 171  review (pdf)

Pozen, Robert C., Legal Choices for State Enterprises in the Third World (1976). 15: 122-127. (Sam O. Gyandoh, Jr.)  review (pdf)


Renteln, Alison Dundes, and Alan Dundes (eds.), Folk Law: Essays in the Theory and Practice of Lex non Scripta (1994). 35: 167-172. (Gordon R. Woodman)  review (pdf)

Renteln, Alison Dundes, Marie-Claire Foblets and Jean-François Gaudreault-DesBiens (eds.), Cultural Diversity and the Law. State Reponses from Around the World (2010). 61: 205-224. (Katayoun Alidadi)  review (pdf)

Richter, Hans-Jürgen, Die Rechtsspaltung im Malaysischen Familienrecht, zugleich ein Beitrag zur 'gestuften' Unteranknüpfung im internationalen Privatrecht (1978). 19: 189-192. (Carl-Bernd Kaehlig)  review (pdf)

Rijnsdorp, Ulrica, and Barbara E. Harrell-Bond, Family Law in Sierra Leone: a research report (1975) 13: 168-172. (Robert J. Mundt)        review (pdf)

Roberts, S., and  J.L. Comaroff, Rules and Processes: The Cultural Logic of Dispute in an African Context (1981). 21: 155-157. (Etienne LeRoy)  review (pdf)

Ross Marc Howard (ed. by Remi Clignet and Edward W. Soja), The Political Integration of Urban Squatters (1973) 11: 94-95. (Mary Lee Shannon)  review (pdf)

Rouveroy van Nieuwaal, Emile A.B. van, and Barbara E. Harrell-Bond (ed.), Disparity Between Law and Social Reality in Africa (1975) 13: 162-168. (Francis G. Snyder)  review (pdf)

Rouveroy van Nieuwaal, Emile and Els van, Sherea: Justice coutumière à la cour du chef supérieur des Anufòm à Nzara (Sansanné-Mango) Nord-Togo (1975). 14: 111. (Francis G. Snyder)  review (pdf)

Rouveroy van Nieuwaal, Emile van, and A. Améga (eds.), La Réforme agro-foncière dans les Pays du Conseil de l'Entente en Afrique de l'Ouest (1979). 20: 151-153. (Francis G. Snyder)  review (pdf)

Rouveroy van Nieuwaal, E. Adriaan B. van, L'état en Afrique face à la chefferie: Le cas du Togo (2000). 45: 165-168. (Albert Trouwborst)  review (pdf)

Rubin, N. and E. Cotran (eds.), Annual Survey of African Law, Volume II, 1968 (1971). 6: 169-170. (David N. Smith)  review (pdf)


Sack, Peter, and Elizabeth Minchin (eds.), Legal Pluralism: Proceedings of the Canberra Law Workshop VII (1986). 27: 173-178. (Gordon R. Woodman)  review (pdf)

Sandbrook, Richard, Proletarians and African Capitalism: The Kenyan Case, 1960-1972 (1975). 14: 104-108. (H.W.O. Okoth-Ogendo)        review (pdf)

Sawyerr, G.F.A. and J.A. Hiller, The Doctrine of Precedent in the Court of Appeal for East Africa (1971). 5: 99-110. (Ian R. Macneil)      review (pdf)

Scott, James C., Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed (1998). 43: 175-179. (John Griffiths)  review (pdf)

Shah, Prakash, Legal Pluralism in Conflict: Coping with Cultural Diversity in Law (2005). 50: 173-178. (Gordon R. Woodman)  review (pdf)

Shah, Prakash, and Werner F. Menski (eds.), Migration, Diasporas and Legal Systems in Europe (2006). 58: 119-125. (Gordon R. Woodman)  review (pdf)

Shah, Prakash, Ralph Grillo, Roger Ballard, Alessandro Ferrari, André J. Hoekema and Marcel Maussen (eds.), Legal Practice and Cultural Diversity (2009). 59: 149-155. (Amy Jackson)  review (pdf)

Sheleff, Leon, The Future of Tradition: Customary Law, Common Law and Legal Pluralism (2000). 47: 137-145. (Gordon Woodman)  review (pdf)

Shivji, Issa G., Class Struggles in Tanzania (1976). 16: 166-168. (Joel Samoff)  review (pdf)

Silverman, Robert A., and Marianne O. Nielsen (eds.), Criminal Justice in Native America (2009). 59: 145-148. (L. Jane McMillan)          review (pdf)

Sklar, Richard L., Corporate Power in an African State: The Political Impact of Multinational Mining Companies in Zambia (1975) 13: 172-175. (Simbi V. Mubako)  review (pdf)

Snyder, Francis G., Capitalism and Legal Change: An African Transformation. (1981) 23: 221-224. (J.S. Eades)  review (pdf)

Snyder, Francis, Yash Ghai and Robin Luckham (eds.), The Political Economy of Law: A Third World Reader (1987). 28: 181-186. (Gordon R. Woodman)  review (pdf)

Sohn L.B. (ed.), Basic Documents of African Regional Organizations, Vol. I (1971). 5: 111-113. (Sidney Grossman)  review (pdf)

Somerset, Anthony, and Peter Marris, The African Entrepreneur – A Study of Entrepreneurship and Development in Kenya (1972). 8: 119-125. (Phillip Le Bel)  review (pdf)

Spalding, Francis O., Earl L. Hoover and John C. Piper, "One Nation, One Judiciary: The Lower Courts of Zambia", Zambia Law Journal, Vol. 2, Nos. 1 & 2 (1970). 8: 97-106. (Richard L. Abel)  review (pdf)

Sperber, K.W. von, Public Administration in Tanzania (1970). 7: 77-81. (Yash P. Ghai)  review (pdf)

Spiertz, Joep, and Melanie G. Wiber (eds.), The Role of Law in Natural Resource Management (1996). 43: 165-167. (Thomas K. Rudel)     review (pdf)

Stewart, Julie, Agnete Weis Bentzon, Anne Hellum, Welshman Ncube and Torben Agersnap, Pursuing Grounded Theory in Law: South-North Experiences in Developing Women's Law (1998). 43: 169-174. (Ambreena Manji)  review (pdf)

Strijbosch, Fons, and Keebet von Benda-Beckmann (eds.), Anthropology of Law in the Netherlands: Essays in Legal Pluralism (1986). 24: 161-170. (Heleen Ietswaart)  review (pdf)


Taylor, M.C., Taxation for African Economic Development (1971). 6: 171  review (pdf)

Thompson, E.P., Customs In Common (1991). 35: 159-165. (John Griffiths)  review (pdf)

Tierney, Stephen (ed.), Accommodating Cultural Diversity (2007). 58: 119-125. (Gordon R. Woodman)  review (pdf)

Trappe, Paul (ed.), Conceptions Contemporaines du Droit /Contemporary Conceptions of Law / Zeitgenössische Rechtskonzeptionen, Proceedings of the 9th World Congress of the IVR (1979), ARSP Supplements I, 1-4 (1982-83). 24: 151-154. (Govaert C.J.J. van den Bergh)  review (pdf)

Turner, Victor (ed.), Colonialism in Africa 1870-1960, Volume 3, Profiles of Change: African Society and Colonial Rule (1971). 8: 132       review (pdf)


Ubink, Janine, André J. Hoekema and Willem J. Assies (eds.), Legalising Land Rights. Local Practices, State Responses and Tenure Security in Africa, Asia and Latin America (2009). 59: 157-160. (Christian Lund)  review (pdf)

Ucar, Bülent, Recht als Mittel zur Reform von Religion und Gesellschaft. Die türkische Debatte um die Scharia und die Rechtsschulen im 20. Jahrhundert [Law as a Means to the Reform of Religion and Society. The Turkish Debate over the Sharia and the Schools of Law in the 20th Century (2005). 57: 167-169. (Levent Tezcan)  review (pdf)

Uche, U.U., Contractual Obligations in Ghana and Nigeria (1971) 8: 132-133  review (pdf)


Vanderlinden, Jacques, An Introduction to the Sources of Contemporary African Laws - Independent Sub-Saharan African (1975) 13: 179. (Richard L. Abel)  review (pdf)

Vernon, Raymond, Sovereignty at Bay - The Multinational Spread of U.S. Enterprises (1971). 9: 129-131. (David N. Smith)  review (pdf)


Wacker, Ulrich, Der Konflikt verscheidener Rechtssyteme vor während und nach der Kolonialzeit in Kenia. 22: 135-140 (1976). (Günter Best)  review (pdf)

Weilenmann, Marcus, Burundi: Konflikt und Rechtskonflikt: Eine rechtsethnologische Studie zur Konfliktregelung der Gerichte (1997). 44: 163-169. (Marina d'Engelbronner-Kolff)  review (pdf)

White, John, Regional Development Banks: The Asian, African and Inter-American Development Banks (1972). 8: 133  review (pdf)

Wiber, Melanie G., Politics, Property and Law in the Philippine Uplands (1993). 35: 151-154. (Frank Hirtz)  review (pdf)

Wiber, Melanie G., and Joep Spiertz (eds.), The Role of Law in Natural Resource Management (1996). 43: 165-167. (Thomas K. Rudel)     review (pdf)

Widstrand, Carl (ed.), Co-operatives and Rural Development in East Africa (1971). 14: 115-116. (Francis G. Snyder)  review (pdf)

Witty, C.J., Mediation and Society: Conflict Management in Lebanon (1980). 21: 159-162. (Sally Engel Merry)  review (pdf)

Wolpe, Howard, and Robert Melson (eds.), Nigeria: Modernization and the Politics of Communalism (1971). 8: 130-131  review (pdf)

Woodman, Gordon, and W.C. Ekow Daniels (eds.) Essays in Ghanaian Law: Supreme Court Centenary Publication 1876-1976 (1976). 17: 71-76. (Peter Sevareid)  review (pdf)

Woodman, G.R., and A.N. Allott (eds.), People's Law and State Law: The Bellagio Papers (1985). 24: 171-173. (Simon Roberts)  review (pdf)

Woodman, G.R., F. von Benda-Beckmann, K. von Benda-Beckmann, E. Casino, F. Hirtz and H.F. Zacher (eds.), Between Kinship and the State: Social Security and Law in Developing Countries (1988). 28: 173-180. (Sally Engle Merry)  review (pdf)

Woodman, Gordon R., and Bradford W. Morse (eds.), Indigenous Law and the State (1988). 39: 141-154. (Samuel O. Gyandoh Jr)  review (pdf)


Yasaki, Mitsukuni (ed.), East and West. Legal Philosophies in Japan (1987). 27: 145-151. (Kurt Radtke)  review (pdf)

Yngvesson, Barbara, Virtuous Citizens, Disruptive Subjects; Order and Complaint in a New England Court (1993). 34: 105-113. (Heleen F.P. Ietswaart)  review (pdf)


Zacher, H.F.,  F. von Benda-Beckmann, K. von Benda-Beckmann, E. Casino, F. Hirtz, and G.R. Woodman (eds.), Between Kinship and the State: Social Security and Law in Developing Countries (1988). 28: 173-180. (Sally Engle Merry)  review (pdf)

Zahle, Henrik, and Hanne Petersen (eds.), Legal Polycentricity: Consequences of Pluralism in Law (1995) 39: 155-162. (Gordon R. Woodman)  review (pdf)

Zaleha, Sharifah, Syed Hassan and Sven Cederroth, Managing Marital Disputes in Malaysia: Islamic Mediators and Conflict Resolution in the Syariah Courts (1997). 40: 179-181. (Lawrence Rosen)  review (pdf)

Zartman, I. William, The Politics of Trade Negotiations between Africa and the European Economic Community: The Weak Confront the Strong (1971). 9: 117-122. (Charles D. Smith)  review (pdf)

Ziegert, Klaus A., and Guenther Doeker-Mach (eds.), Law, Legal Culture and Politics in the Twenty First Century. Essays in Honour of Alice Erh-Soon Tay (2004). 56: 113-119. (Wolfgang Fikentscher)  review (pdf)

Part II. Index of Book Reviews in Alphabetical Order of Titles of Books Reviewed

The order of each entry in Part II is:

Title of book reviewed, name(s) of the author(s) or editor(s) of the reviewed work (year of book publication). Issue Nr of JLP: first and last pages of review. (Author(s) of the review, if stated.)



Accommodating Cultural Diversity, Stephen Tierney (ed.) (2007). 58: 119-125. (Gordon R. Woodman) review (pdf)

Africa and the Development of International Law, T.O. Elias (1972). 8: 112-114. (W. Michael Reisman) review (pdf)

The African Entrepreneur – A Study of Entrepreneurship and Development in Kenya, Anthony Somerset and Peter Marris (1972). 8: 119-125. (Phillip Le Bel) review (pdf)

African Law and Custom in Rhodesia, Bennie Goldin and Michael Gelfand (1975). 13: 181-182. (Richard L. Abel) review (pdf)

African Traders and Economic Development in Ghana, Peter C. Garlick (1972). 8:126 review (pdf)

African Widows, M. Kirwen (1979). 20: 143-149. (B.A. Rwezaura) review (pdf)

Agricultural Initiative in the Third World. A Report on the Conference: Science and Agribusiness in the Seventies, The Agribusiness Council (1975). 14: 110-111. (Francis G. Snyder) review (pdf)

Annual Survey of African Law, Volume II, 1968, N. Rubin and E. Cotran (eds.) (1971). 6: 169-170. (David N. Smith) review (pdf)

Anthropology & Law, James M. Donovan and H. Edwin Anderson III (2003). 48: 191-198. (Jogchum Vrielink) review (pdf)

Anthropology of Law in the Netherlands: Essays in Legal Pluralism, Keebet von Benda-Beckmann and Fons Strijbosch (eds.) (1986). 24: 161-170. (Heleen Ietswaart) review (pdf)


Basic Documents of African Regional Organizations, Vol. I, L.B. Sohn (ed.) (1971). 5: 111-113. (Sidney Grossman) review (pdf)

Basic Documents on African Affairs, I. Brownlie (1971). 6: 171 review (pdf)

Between Kinship and the State: Social Security and Law in Developing Countries, F. von Benda-Beckmann, K. von Benda-Beckmann, E. Casino, F. Hirtz, G.R. Woodman and H.F. Zacher (eds.) (1988). 28: 173-180. (Sally Engle Merry) review (pdf)

Beyond the Veil: Male-Female Dynamics in a Modern Muslim State, Fatima Mernissi (1975). 15: 129-131. (Daisy Hilse Dwyer) review (pdf)

The Broken Stairways to Consensus: Village Justice and State Courts in Minangkabau, Keebet von Benda-Beckmann (1984). 27: 153-159. (Francis Snyder) review (pdf)

Burundi: Konflikt und Rechtskonflikt: Eine rechtsethnologische Studie zur Konfliktregelung der Gerichte, Marcus Weilenmann (1997). 44: 163-169. (Marina d'Engelbronner-Kolff) review (pdf)

Business Law in Nigeria, M.O. Adesanya and E.O. Oloyede (1972). 8: 126 review (pdf)


Capitalism and Legal Change: An African Transformation, Francis G. Snyder (1981) 23: 221-224. (J.S. Eades) review (pdf)

Casebook on Kenya Customary Law, Eugene Cotran (1987). 32: 149-153. (Gordon R. Woodman) review (pdf)

Cases and Materials on East African Mercantile Law, R.W. Hodgin (1972). 6: 171 review (pdf)

Cheap Liver and Dear Limbs: The British Transformation of the Bengal Criminal Code, 1769-1917, Jörg Fisch (1983). 22: 163-165. (Robert Hayden) review (pdf)

Chieftaincy and Legitimacy: An Anthropological Study of Executive Law in Lesotho, Ian Hamnett (1975). 15: 118-122. (Barbara E. Harrell-Bond) review (pdf)

Citizen and Subject: Contemporary Africa and the Legacy of Late Colonialism, Mahmood Mamdani (1996). 40: 171-177. (Barbara Oomen)   review (pdf)

Civil Practice and Procedure in all Bantu Courts in Southern Africa, J.A.M. Khumalo (no date). 13: 181. (Richard L. Abel) review (pdf)

Class Struggles in Tanzania, Issa G. Shivji (1976). 16: 166-168. (Joel Samoff) review (pdf)

Class, Race and Gold: A Study of Class Relations and Racial Discrimination in South Africa, Frederick A. Johnstone (1976). 16: 183-187. (Roger J. Southall) review (pdf)

Cocoa and Kinship in Ghana: the Matrilineal Akan of Ghana, Christine Okali (1983). 24: 181-189. (Gordon R. Woodman) review (pdf)

Colonial Rule and Political Development in Tanzania: The Case of the Makonde, Gus J. Liebenow (1971). 8: 130 review (pdf)

Colonialism in Africa 1870-1960, Volume 3, Profiles of Change: African Society and Colonial Rule, Victor Turner (ed.) (1971). 8: 132        review (pdf)

The Common Law in the Sudan – An Account of the Justice, Equity and Good Conscience Provision, Zaki Mustafa (1971). 7: 73-75. (Egon Guttman) review (pdf)

Comparative law in a Global Context: The Legal Systems of Asia and Africa, 2nd ed., Werner Menski (2006). 52: 207-214. (Gordon R. Woodman) review (pdf)

Conceptions Contemporaines du Droit /Contemporary Conceptions of Law / Zeitgenössische Rechtskonzeptionen, Proceedings of the 9th World Congress of the IVR (1979), ARSP Supplements I, 1-4, Paul Trappe (ed.) (1982-83). 24: 151-154. (Govaert C.J.J. van den Bergh) review (pdf)

Contractual Obligations in Ghana and Nigeria, U.U. Uche (1971) 8: 132-133 review (pdf)

Co-operatives and Rural Development in East Africa, Carl Widstrand (ed.) (1971). 14: 115-116. (Francis G. Snyder) review (pdf)

Corporate Power in an African State: The Political Impact of Multinational Mining Companies in Zambia, Richard L. Sklar (1975) 13: 172-175. (Simbi V. Mubako) review (pdf)

Criminal Justice in Native America, Marianne O. Nielsen and Robert A. Silverman (eds.) (2009). 59: 145-148. (L. Jane McMillan) review (pdf)

Cultural Diversity and the Law. State Reponses from Around the World, Marie-Claire Foblets, Jean-François Gaudreault-DesBiens and Alison Dundes Renteln (eds.) (2010). 61: 205-224. (Katayoun Alidadi) review (pdf)

Customary Justice and the Rule of Law in War-Torn Societies, Deborah Isser (ed.) (2011). 64: 203-205. (Irene I. Hadiprayitno) review (pdf)

Customs In Common, E.P. Thompson (1991). 35: 159-165. (John Griffiths) review (pdf)


Democracy and Human Rights in Multicultural Societies, Matthias Koenig and Paul de Guchteneire (eds.) (2007). 58: 119-125. (Gordon R. Woodman) review (pdf)

Developing Research on African Administration: Some Methodological Issues, Adebayo Adedeji and Goran Hyden (eds.) (1974) 13: 178. (Richard L. Abel) review (pdf)

The Development Administration Kenyan Experience, G. Hyden, R. Jackson and J. Okumu (ed.) (1972). 7: 77-81. (Yash P. Ghai) review (pdf)

Development Banking in Africa: Seven Case Studies, H. Harlander and D. Mezger (1971). 8: 127 review (pdf)

Development Banking: Seven Case Studies, H. Harlander and D. Mezger (1971) 12: 129-130. (Robert Pozen) review (pdf)

Disparity Between Law and Social Reality in Africa, Barbara E. Harrell-Bond and Emile A.B. van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal (ed.) (1975) 13: 162-168. (Francis G. Snyder) review (pdf)

Disputes and Negotiations: A Cross-Cultural Perspective, P.H. Gulliver (1979). 19: 192-194. (Simon Roberts) review (pdf)

The Doctrine of Precedent in the Court of Appeal for East Africa, G.F.A. Sawyerr and J.A. Hiller (1971). 5: 99-110. (Ian R. Macneil)       review (pdf)

Le droit du Marriage en Côte d'Ivoire, Marc Dumetz (1975). 16: 176-178. (Robert J. Mundt) review (pdf)

Le Droit en Procès, Jacques Chevallier, Danièle Loschak et alii (1983). 24: 175-176. (Etienne le Roy) review (pdf)


East and West. Legal Philosophies in Japan, Mitsukuni Yasaki (ed.) (1987). 27: 145-151. (Kurt Radtke) review (pdf)

Ecology and Change: Rural Modernization in an African Community, C. Gregory Knight (1974). 15: 131-135. (Francis G. Snyder) review (pdf)

Economic Independence and Zambian Copper - A Case Study of Foreign Investment, Mark Bostock and Charles Harvey (1972). 9: 129-131. (David N. Smith) review (pdf)

Encyclopaedia of the Third World, Revised Edition, George Thomas Kurian (1982). 24: 177-179. (Francis Snyder) review (pdf)

Entstehung und Wandel Rechtlicher Traditionen, Wolfgang Fikentscher, Herbet Franke and Oskar Köhler (eds.) (1980). 22: 129-133. (Govaert van den Bergh) review (pdf)

Erbrecht an Grund und Boden in Benin, Ahonagnon Noel Gbaguidi (1994). 40: 183-186. (Gordon R. Woodman) review (pdf)

Essays in Ghanaian Law: Supreme Court Centenary Publication 1876-1976, W.C. Ekow Daniels and Gordon Woodman (eds.) (1976). 17: 71-76. (Peter Sevareid) review (pdf)

L'état en Afrique face à la chefferie: Le cas du Togo, E. Adriaan B. van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal (2000). 45: 165-168. (Albert Trouwborst)  review (pdf)

Ethnography and Law, Eve Darian-Smith (ed.) (2007). 57: 175-177. (Franz von Benda-Beckmann) review (pdf)


Les familles maghrébines et la justice en Belgique, Marie-Claire Foblets (1994). 39: 163-172. (Gordon R. Woodman) review (pdf)

Family Law in Sierra Leone: a research report, Barbara E. Harrell-Bond and Ulrica Rijnsdorp (1975) 13: 168-172. (Robert J. Mundt) review (pdf)

Folk Law: Essays in the Theory and Practice of Lex non Scripta Alison Dundes Renteln and Alan Dundes (eds.) (1994). 35: 167-172. (Gordon R. Woodman) review (pdf)

Forgotten Mandate: A British District Officer in Tanganyika, E.K. Lumley (1976). 13: 182-187. (Richard L. Abel) review (pdf)

From the Roof of Africa, C.W. Nicol (1971). 8: 107-111. (William H. Ewing) review (pdf)

The Future of Tradition: Customary Law, Common Law and Legal Pluralism, Leon Sheleff (2000). 47: 137-145. (Gordon Woodman) review (pdf)


Gender and Property Law in Pakistan: Resources and Discourses, Rubya Mehdi (2001). 48: 185-186. (Lawrence Rosen) review (pdf)

Getting Justice and Getting Even: Legal Consciousness among Working-Class Americans, Sally Engle Merry (1990). 32: 155-160. (David M. Engel) review (pdf)

The Ghanaian Factory Worker: Industrial Man in Africa, Margaret Peil (1972). 9: 113-115. (Phillip Le Bel) review (pdf)

Governance by Indicators. Global Power through Quantification and Rankings, Kevin E. Davis, Angelina Fisher, Benedict Kingsbury and Sally Engle Merry (eds.) (2012). 66: 109-113. (Melanie G. Wiber)  review (pdf)

Grassroots Politics in an African State: Integration and Development in Sierra Leone, Walter Barrows (1976). 15: 127-129. (Richard Stren) review (pdf)


Ife Essays in Administration, Colin Baker and M. Balogun (eds.) (1975). 13: 176. (Richard L. Abel) review (pdf)

The Imposition of Law, S. Burman and B.E. Harrell-Bond (eds.) (1979). 22: 157-162. (June Starr) review (pdf)

In the Shadow of Marriage: Gender and Justice in an African Community, Anne M.O. Griffiths (1997). 43: 159-164. (Jane F. Collier) review (pdf)

Indigenous Law and the State, Bradford W. Morse and Gordon R. Woodman (eds.) (1988). 39: 141-154. (Samuel O. Gyandoh Jr) review (pdf)

Indonesian Legal History, 1602-1848, John Ball (1982). 22: 141-142. (M.B. Hooker) review (pdf)

Industrial Decentralization in South Africa, Trevor Bell (1973) 13: 156-162. (Ann Seidman) review (pdf)

Integration of Customary and Modern Legal Systems in Africa, The Law Faculty, University of Ife (ed.) (1971). 9: 99-111. (Peter Sevareid) review (pdf)

An Introduction to African Criminology, W. Clifford (1974) 13: 176-178. (Richard L. Abel) review (pdf)

An Introduction to Contemporary International Law, Lung-Chu Chen, 2nd ed.(2001). 47: 147-148. (Frank Wooldridge) review (pdf)

An Introduction to the Legal System in East Africa, William Burnett Harvey (1975). 14: 108-110. (H.W.O. Okoth-Ogendo) review (pdf)

An Introduction to the Sources of Contemporary African Laws - Independent Sub-Saharan African, Jacques Vanderlinden (1975) 13: 179. (Richard L. Abel) review (pdf)

The Islamization of the Law in Pakistan, Rubya Mehdi (1994). 35: 155-158. (Azza M. Karam) review (pdf)


Jahrbuch für Afrikanisches Recht - Annuaire de droit africain - Yearbook of African Law, Vol. 1 (1980). 22: 135-140. (Günter Best) review (pdf)

Jahrbuch für Afrikanisches Recht - Annuaire de droit africain - Yearbook of African Law, Vols. II, III, IV, V, Kurt Madlener (ed.) (1981-1984). 27: 161-172. (Ulrike Wanitzek) review (pdf)

The Justice Motive in Social Behaviour: Adapting to Times of Scarcity and Change, Melvin L. Lerner and Sally C. Lerner (eds.). 22: 121-124 (1981). (Jan ten Kate and Peter van Koppen) review (pdf)


The King in Every Man: Evolutionary Trends in Onitsha Ibo Society and Culture, Richard N. Henderson (1972). 9: 133-134. (Dan F. Bauer) review (pdf)

Der Konflikt verscheidener Rechtssyteme vor während und nach der Kolonialzeit in Kenia, Ulrich Wacker (1976). 22: 135-140. (Günter Best) review (pdf)


Land Tenure Among the Amhara of Ethiopia: The Dynamics of Cognatic Descent, Allen Hoben (1973) 11: 90-93. (Dan F. Bauer) review (pdf)

Land Tenure and Policy in Tanzania, R.W. James (1971). 7: 83-84. (Robert B. Stevens) review (pdf)

Law and Anthropology, Martha Mundy (ed.) (2002). 48: 187-189. (Jogchum Vrielink) review (pdf)

Law and Social Enquiry: Case Studies of Research, Robin Luckham (ed.) (1981). 22: 125-128. (Peter Fitzpatrick) review (pdf)

Law and State in Papua New Guinea, Peter Fitzpatrick (1980). 20: 127-141. (Yash Ghai) review (pdf)

Law, Legal Culture and Politics in the Twenty First Century. Essays in Honour of Alice Erh-Soon Tay, Guenther Doeker-Mach and Klaus A. Ziegert (eds.) (2004). 56: 113-119. (Wolfgang Fikentscher) review (pdf)

Law, Order and Liberty in South Africa, A.S. Mathews (1972). 8: 92-96. (Michael I. Davis) review (pdf)

Lawyers in the Third World: Comparative and Developmental Perspectives, C.J. Dias, R. Luckham and J.C.N. Paul (1981). 20: 129-136. (Peter Fitzpatrick) review (pdf)

Legal Choices for State Enterprises in the Third World, Robert C. Pozen (1976). 15: 122-127. (Sam O. Gyandoh, Jr.) review (pdf)

Legal Pluralism in Conflict: Coping with Cultural Diversity in Law, Prakash Shah (2005). 50: 173-178. (Gordon R. Woodman) review (pdf)

Legal Pluralism: Proceedings of the Canberra Law Workshop VII, Peter Sack and Elizabeth Minchin (eds.) (1986). 27: 173-178. (Gordon R. Woodman) review (pdf)

Legal Pluralism: Toward a General Theory Through Japanese Culture, Masaji Chiba (1989). 32: 141-148. (Gordon R. Woodman) review (pdf)

Legal Polycentricity: Consequences of Pluralism in Law, Hanne Petersen and Henrik Zahle (eds.) (1995) 39: 155-162. (Gordon R. Woodman) review (pdf)

Legal Practice and Cultural Diversity, Ralph Grillo, Roger Ballard, Alessandro Ferrari André J. Hoekema, Marcel Maussen and Prakash Shah (eds.) (2009). 59: 149-155. (Amy Jackson) review (pdf)

Legal Roles in Colombia, Dennis O. Lynch (1981). 20: 129-136. (Peter Fitzpatrick) review (pdf)

The Legal System of Lesotho, V.V.W. Palmer and S. Poulter (1972). 6: 171 review (pdf)

Legalising Land Rights. Local Practices, State Responses and Tenure Security in Africa, Asia and Latin America, Janine Ubink, André J. Hoekema and Willem J. Assies (eds.) (2009). 59: 157-160. (Christian Lund) review (pdf)

Lesotho 1970: An African Coup under the Microscope, B.M. Khaketla (1972). 8: 129-130 review (pdf)


Managing Marital Disputes in Malaysia: Islamic Mediators and Conflict Resolution in the Syariah Courts, Sharifah Zaleha Syed Hassan and Sven Cederroth (1997). 40: 179-181. (Lawrence Rosen) review (pdf)

Managing Rural Development: Ideas and Experience from East Africa, Robert Chambers (1974). 14: 116-117. (Francis G. Snyder) review (pdf)

Marketing Staple Food Crops in Tropical Africa, William O. Jones (1972). 8: 129 review (pdf)

Mediation and Society: Conflict Management in Lebanon, C.J. Witty (1980). 21: 159-162. (Sally Engel Merry) review (pdf)

Migration, Diasporas and Legal Systems in Europe, Prakash Shah and Werner F. Menski (eds.) (2006). 58: 119-125. (Gordon R. Woodman) review (pdf)

Modern African Contract Cases, A. Milner (ed.) (1971). 5: 114. (John S. Bainbridge) review (pdf)

Mozambique: The Africanization of a European Institution, Allen F. Isaacman (1972). 8: 128-129 review (pdf)

Les musulmans et le pouvoir en Afrique noir, Ch. Coulon (1983). 22: 143-145. (Etienne Le Roy) review (pdf)


Natural Resources, Environment and Legal Pluralism.. Special Issue of Law and Anthropology: International Yearbook for Legal Anthropology, Franz and Keebet von Benda-Beckmann and André Hoekema (Guest Eds.) (1997). 43: 181-186. (Melanie G. Wiber) review (pdf)

The Nature of Customary Law: Legal, Historical and Philosophical Perspectives, Amanda Perreau-Saussine and James Bernard Murphy (eds.) (2007). 59: 165-172. (Gordon R. Woodman) review (pdf)

Nigeria: Modernization and the Politics of Communalism, Robert Melson and Howard Wolpe (eds.) (1971). 8: 130-131 review (pdf)

Nyeri Townsmen in Kenya, Carl A. Dutto (1975). 16: 173-175. (Marc H. Ross) review (pdf)


The OAU and the UN: Relations Between the Organization of African Unity and the United Nations, Berhanykun Andemicael (1976). 16: 179-183. (Karl R. Morthole) review (pdf)

"One Nation, One Judiciary: The Lower Courts of Zambia", Zambia Law Journal, Vol. 2, Nos. 1 & 2, Francis O. Spalding, Earl L. Hoover and John C. Piper (1970). 8: 97-106. (Richard L. Abel) review (pdf)


Peace and Conflict in Ladakh: The construction of a fragile web of order. Brills Tibetan Studies Library, Vol. 13, Fernanda Pirie (2007). 59: 161-164. (Judith Beyer) review (pdf)

The Penal Code of the Somali Democratic Republic, M.R. Ganzglass (1971). 5: 115. (Phyllis K. Dryden) review (pdf)

People's Law and State Law: The Bellagio Papers, A.N. Allott and G.R. Woodman (eds.) (1985). 24: 171-173. (Simon Roberts) review (pdf)

Personal Freedom and the Law in Tanzania, Robert Martin. (1974) 13: 155-156. (Julio Menezes) review (pdf)

The Political Economy of Law: A Third World Reader Yash Ghai, Francis Snyder, Robin Luckham (eds.) (1987). 28: 181-186. (Gordon R. Woodman) review (pdf)

The Political Integration of Urban Squatters, Marc Howard Ross (ed. by Remi Clignet and Edward W. Soja) (1973) 11: 94-95. (Mary Lee Shannon) review (pdf)

The Politics of South Africa: Democracy and Racial Diversity, Howard Brotz (1977). 16: 183-187. (Roger J. Southall) review (pdf)

The Politics of Trade Negotiations between Africa and the European Economic Community: The Weak Confront the Strong, I. William Zartman (1971). 9: 117-122. (Charles D. Smith) review (pdf)

Politics, Property and Law in the Philippine Uplands, Melanie G. Wiber (1993). 35: 151-154. (Frank Hirtz) review (pdf)

Popular Government in an African Town: Kita, Mali, Nicholas S. Hopkins (1972). 8: 127-128 review (pdf)

Portuguese Africa and the West, William Minter (1972) 11: 81-85. (Nancy T. Hafkin) review (pdf)

Power and Politics in Africa, Henry L. Bretton (1973). 9: 123-127. (Robert D. Grey) review (pdf)

The Power of Law in a Transnational World: Anthropological Enquiries, Franz von Benda-Beckmann, Keebet von Benda-Beckmann, and Anne Griffiths (eds) (2009). 58: 115-118. (Ralph Grillo) review (pdf)

Proletarians and African Capitalism: The Kenyan Case, 1960-1972, Richard Sandbrook (1975). 14: 104-108. (H.W.O. Okoth-Ogendo) review (pdf)

Property in Social Continuity: Continuity and Change in the Maintenance of Property Relationships Through Time in Minangkabau, West Sumatra, F. von Benda-Beckmann (1979). 21: 163-166. (Sally Falk Moore) review (pdf)

Public Administration in Tanzaniai, K.W. von Sperber (1970). 7: 77-81. (Yash P. Ghai) review (pdf)

Pursuing Grounded Theory in Law: South-North Experiences in Developing Women's Law, Agnete Weis Bentzon, Anne Hellum, Julie Stewart, Welshman Ncube and Torben Agersnap (1998). 43: 169-174. (Ambreena Manji) review (pdf)


Recht als Mittel zur Reform von Religion und Gesellschaft. Die türkische Debatte um die Scharia und die Rechtsschulen im 20. Jahrhundert [Law as a Means to the Reform of Religion and Society. The Turkish Debate over the Sharia and the Schools of Law in the 20th Century, Bülent Ucar (2005). 57: 167-169. (Levent Tezcan) review (pdf)

Rechtsspaltung im Malaysischen Familienrecht, zugleich ein Beitrag zur 'gestuften' Unteranknüpfung im internationalen Privatrecht, Hans-Jürgen Richter (1978). 19: 189-192. (Carl-Bernd Kaehlig) review (pdf)

The Recognition of Aboriginal Customary Laws, Report No. 31, Australian Law Reform Commission (1986). 27: 179-184. (Gordon R. Woodman) review (pdf)

Reconciling Customary Law and Received Law in Melanesia: the Post-Independence Experience in Solomon Islands and Vanuatu, Kenneth Brown (2005). 52: 215-219. (Gordon R. Woodman) review (pdf)

Reflections on Law and Economic Integration in East Africa, Yash P. Ghai (1976). 16: 168-171. (Ann Seidman) review (pdf)

La Réforme agro-foncière dans les Pays du Conseil de l'Entente en Afrique de l'Ouest, Emile van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal and A. Améga (eds.) (1979). 20: 151-153. (Francis G. Snyder) review (pdf)

Regional Development Banks: The Asian, African and Inter-American Development Banks, John White (1972). 8: 133 review (pdf)

Repertoire de Jurisprudence Sénégalaise en Matière de Status Personnel, C.R.E.D.I.L.A. (1976). 15: 136. (Francis G. Snyder) review (pdf)

Research Papers 1-15 on the References on Aboriginal Customary Law, Australian Law Reform Commission (1982-1984). 23: 225-230. (Gordon R. Woodman) review (pdf)

Restorative Justice: How It Works, Marian Liebmann (2007). 57: 171-174. (Katherine Doolin) review (pdf)

The Role of Law in Natural Resource Management, Joep Spiertz and Melanie G. Wiber (eds.) (1996). 43: 165-167. (Thomas K. Rudel)       review (pdf)

Rules and Processes: The Cultural Logic of Dispute in an African Context, J.L. Comaroff and S. Roberts (1981). 21: 155-157. (Etienne LeRoy) review (pdf)


Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed, James C. Scott (1998). 43: 175-179. (John Griffiths) review (pdf)

Sherea: Justice coutumière à la cour du chef supérieur des Anufòm à Nzara (Sansanné-Mango) Nord-Togo, Emile and Els van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal (1975). 14: 111. (Francis G. Snyder) review (pdf)

An Sourcebook of African Customary Law in Southern Africa, T. Bennett (1991). 35: 149-150. (Tom Quinlan) review (pdf)

The South African Economy, D. Hobart Houghton (1976). 14: 112-115. (Ann Seidman) review (pdf)

The South West Africa/Namibia Dispute: Documents and Scholarly Writings on the Controversy Between South Africa and the United Nations, John Dugard (1973) 11: 86-89. (Elizabeth S. Landis) review (pdf)

Sovereignty at Bay - The Multinational Spread of U.S. Enterprises, Raymond Vernon (1971). 9: 129-131. (David N. Smith) review (pdf)

Soviet Policy Toward Black Africa: The Focus on National Integration, Helen D. Cohn (1972). 8: 115-118. (Chris Osakwe) review (pdf)

The Spontaneous Settlement Problem in Kenya, Philip M. Mbithi and Carolyn Barnes (1975). 13: 179-180. (Richard L. Abel) review (pdf)

Studies in Ibo Political Systems, Ikenna Nzimiro (1972). 8: 131 review (pdf)

The Study and Teaching of Law in Africa, J.S. Bainbridge (1972). 8: 89-91. (James C.N. Paul) review (pdf)


Taxation for African Economic Development, M.C. Taylor (1971). 6: 171 review (pdf)

Toward a General Theory of Social Control; Vol. I Fundamentals; Vol. II Selected Problems, Donald Black (ed.) (1984). 23: 209-219. (Govaert C.J.J. van den Bergh) review (pdf)


University of Ife (Nigeria) Law Reports, O.I. Odumosu (editor-in-chief) (1971). 8: 131-132 review (pdf)

Urban Dynamics in Black Africa: An Interdisciplinary Approach, William J. Hanna and Judith L. Hanna (1971). 8: 126-127 review (pdf)


Van Vollenhoven on Indonesian Adat Law, J.F. Holleman, (ed.) (1981). 22: 147-155. (Daniel Lev) review (pdf)

Virtuous Citizens, Disruptive Subjects; Order and Complaint in a New England Court, Barbara Yngvesson (1993). 34: 105-113. (Heleen F.P. Ietswaart) review (pdf)


When Legal Worlds Overlap: Human Rights, State and Non-State Law, International Council on Human Rights Policy (2009). 60: 179-186. (Milena Stefanova and Nicholas Menzies) review (pdf)

Without the Law: Administrative Justice and Legal Pluralism in Nineteenth-Century England, H.W. Arthurs (1985). 27: 135-143. (Peter Fitzpatrick and Alfred Rüegg) review (pdf)

Women and Property in Morocco, Vanessa Maher (1975). 15: 129-131. (Daisy Hilse Dwyer) review (pdf)

Women in Africa: Studies in Social and Economic Change, Nancy J. Hafkin and Edna G. Bay (eds.) (1976). 16: 171-173. (June Starr) review (pdf)

II. A-Z Titles

Part II. Index of Book Reviews in Alphabetical Order of Titles of Books Reviewed

The order of each entry in Part II is:

Title of book reviewed, name(s) of the author(s) or editor(s) of the reviewed work (year of book publication). Journal Number: first and last pages of review. (Author(s) of the review, if stated.)



Accommodating Cultural Diversity, Stephen Tierney (ed.) (2007). 58: 119-125. (Gordon R. Woodman) review (pdf)

Africa and the Development of International Law, T.O. Elias (1972). 8: 112-114. (W. Michael Reisman) review (pdf)

The African Entrepreneur – A Study of Entrepreneurship and Development in Kenya, Anthony Somerset and Peter Marris (1972). 8: 119-125. (Phillip Le Bel) review (pdf)

African Law and Custom in Rhodesia, Bennie Goldin and Michael Gelfand (1975). 13: 181-182. (Richard L. Abel) review (pdf)

African Traders and Economic Development in Ghana, Peter C. Garlick (1972). 8:126 review (pdf)

African Widows, M. Kirwen (1979). 20: 143-149. (B.A. Rwezaura) review (pdf)

Agricultural Initiative in the Third World. A Report on the Conference: Science and Agribusiness in the Seventies, The Agribusiness Council (1975). 14: 110-111. (Francis G. Snyder) review (pdf)

Annual Survey of African Law, Volume II, 1968, N. Rubin and E. Cotran (eds.) (1971). 6: 169-170. (David N. Smith) review (pdf)

Anthropology & Law, James M. Donovan and H. Edwin Anderson III (2003). 48: 191-198. (Jogchum Vrielink) review (pdf)

Anthropology of Law in the Netherlands: Essays in Legal Pluralism, Keebet von Benda-Beckmann and Fons Strijbosch (eds.) (1986). 24: 161-170. (Heleen Ietswaart) review (pdf)


Basic Documents of African Regional Organizations, Vol. I, L.B. Sohn (ed.) (1971). 5: 111-113. (Sidney Grossman) review (pdf)

Basic Documents on African Affairs, I. Brownlie (1971). 6: 171 review (pdf)

Between Kinship and the State: Social Security and Law in Developing Countries, F. von Benda-Beckmann, K. von Benda-Beckmann, E. Casino, F. Hirtz, G.R. Woodman and H.F. Zacher (eds.) (1988). 28: 173-180. (Sally Engle Merry) review (pdf)

Beyond the Veil: Male-Female Dynamics in a Modern Muslim State, Fatima Mernissi (1975). 15: 129-131. (Daisy Hilse Dwyer) review (pdf)

The Broken Stairways to Consensus: Village Justice and State Courts in Minangkabau, Keebet von Benda-Beckmann (1984). 27: 153-159. (Francis Snyder) review (pdf)

Burundi: Konflikt und Rechtskonflikt: Eine rechtsethnologische Studie zur Konfliktregelung der Gerichte, Marcus Weilenmann (1997). 44: 163-169. (Marina d'Engelbronner-Kolff) review (pdf)

Business Law in Nigeria, M.O. Adesanya and E.O. Oloyede (1972). 8: 126 review (pdf)


Capitalism and Legal Change: An African Transformation, Francis G. Snyder (1981) 23: 221-224. (J.S. Eades) review (pdf)

Casebook on Kenya Customary Law, Eugene Cotran (1987). 32: 149-153. (Gordon R. Woodman) review (pdf)

Cases and Materials on East African Mercantile Law, R.W. Hodgin (1972). 6: 171 review (pdf)

Cheap Liver and Dear Limbs: The British Transformation of the Bengal Criminal Code, 1769-1917, Jörg Fisch (1983). 22: 163-165. (Robert Hayden) review (pdf)

Chieftaincy and Legitimacy: An Anthropological Study of Executive Law in Lesotho, Ian Hamnett (1975). 15: 118-122. (Barbara E. Harrell-Bond) review (pdf)

Citizen and Subject: Contemporary Africa and the Legacy of Late Colonialism, Mahmood Mamdani (1996). 40: 171-177. (Barbara Oomen)   review (pdf)

Civil Practice and Procedure in all Bantu Courts in Southern Africa, J.A.M. Khumalo (no date). 13: 181. (Richard L. Abel) review (pdf)

Class Struggles in Tanzania, Issa G. Shivji (1976). 16: 166-168. (Joel Samoff) review (pdf)

Class, Race and Gold: A Study of Class Relations and Racial Discrimination in South Africa, Frederick A. Johnstone (1976). 16: 183-187. (Roger J. Southall) review (pdf)

Cocoa and Kinship in Ghana: the Matrilineal Akan of Ghana, Christine Okali (1983). 24: 181-189. (Gordon R. Woodman) review (pdf)

Colonial Rule and Political Development in Tanzania: The Case of the Makonde, Gus J. Liebenow (1971). 8: 130 review (pdf)

Colonialism in Africa 1870-1960, Volume 3, Profiles of Change: African Society and Colonial Rule, Victor Turner (ed.) (1971). 8: 132        review (pdf)

The Common Law in the Sudan – An Account of the Justice, Equity and Good Conscience Provision, Zaki Mustafa (1971). 7: 73-75. (Egon Guttman) review (pdf)

Comparative law in a Global Context: The Legal Systems of Asia and Africa, 2nd ed., Werner Menski (2006). 52: 207-214. (Gordon R. Woodman) review (pdf)

Conceptions Contemporaines du Droit /Contemporary Conceptions of Law / Zeitgenössische Rechtskonzeptionen, Proceedings of the 9th World Congress of the IVR (1979), ARSP Supplements I, 1-4, Paul Trappe (ed.) (1982-83). 24: 151-154. (Govaert C.J.J. van den Bergh) review (pdf)

Contractual Obligations in Ghana and Nigeria, U.U. Uche (1971) 8: 132-133 review (pdf)

Co-operatives and Rural Development in East Africa, Carl Widstrand (ed.) (1971). 14: 115-116. (Francis G. Snyder) review (pdf)

Corporate Power in an African State: The Political Impact of Multinational Mining Companies in Zambia, Richard L. Sklar (1975) 13: 172-175. (Simbi V. Mubako) review (pdf)

Criminal Justice in Native America, Marianne O. Nielsen and Robert A. Silverman (eds.) (2009). 59: 145-148. (L. Jane McMillan) review (pdf)

Cultural Diversity and the Law. State Reponses from Around the World, Marie-Claire Foblets, Jean-François Gaudreault-DesBiens and Alison Dundes Renteln (eds.) (2010). 61: 205-224. (Katayoun Alidadi) review (pdf)

Customary Justice and the Rule of Law in War-Torn Societies, Deborah Isser (ed.) (2011). 64: 203-205. (Irene I. Hadiprayitno) review (pdf)

Customs In Common, E.P. Thompson (1991). 35: 159-165. (John Griffiths) review (pdf)


Democracy and Human Rights in Multicultural Societies, Matthias Koenig and Paul de Guchteneire (eds.) (2007). 58: 119-125. (Gordon R. Woodman) review (pdf)

Developing Research on African Administration: Some Methodological Issues, Adebayo Adedeji and Goran Hyden (eds.) (1974) 13: 178. (Richard L. Abel) review (pdf)

The Development Administration Kenyan Experience, G. Hyden, R. Jackson and J. Okumu (ed.) (1972). 7: 77-81. (Yash P. Ghai) review (pdf)

Development Banking in Africa: Seven Case Studies, H. Harlander and D. Mezger (1971). 8: 127 review (pdf)

Development Banking: Seven Case Studies, H. Harlander and D. Mezger (1971) 12: 129-130. (Robert Pozen) review (pdf)

Disparity Between Law and Social Reality in Africa, Barbara E. Harrell-Bond and Emile A.B. van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal (ed.) (1975) 13: 162-168. (Francis G. Snyder) review (pdf)

Disputes and Negotiations: A Cross-Cultural Perspective, P.H. Gulliver (1979). 19: 192-194. (Simon Roberts) review (pdf)

The Doctrine of Precedent in the Court of Appeal for East Africa, G.F.A. Sawyerr and J.A. Hiller (1971). 5: 99-110. (Ian R. Macneil)       review (pdf)

Le droit du Marriage en Côte d'Ivoire, Marc Dumetz (1975). 16: 176-178. (Robert J. Mundt) review (pdf)

Le Droit en Procès, Jacques Chevallier, Danièle Loschak et alii (1983). 24: 175-176. (Etienne le Roy) review (pdf)


East and West. Legal Philosophies in Japan, Mitsukuni Yasaki (ed.) (1987). 27: 145-151. (Kurt Radtke) review (pdf)

Ecology and Change: Rural Modernization in an African Community, C. Gregory Knight (1974). 15: 131-135. (Francis G. Snyder) review (pdf)

Economic Independence and Zambian Copper - A Case Study of Foreign Investment, Mark Bostock and Charles Harvey (1972). 9: 129-131. (David N. Smith) review (pdf)

Encyclopaedia of the Third World, Revised Edition, George Thomas Kurian (1982). 24: 177-179. (Francis Snyder) review (pdf)

Entstehung und Wandel Rechtlicher Traditionen, Wolfgang Fikentscher, Herbet Franke and Oskar Köhler (eds.) (1980). 22: 129-133. (Govaert van den Bergh) review (pdf)

Erbrecht an Grund und Boden in Benin, Ahonagnon Noel Gbaguidi (1994). 40: 183-186. (Gordon R. Woodman) review (pdf)

Essays in Ghanaian Law: Supreme Court Centenary Publication 1876-1976, W.C. Ekow Daniels and Gordon Woodman (eds.) (1976). 17: 71-76. (Peter Sevareid) review (pdf)

L'état en Afrique face à la chefferie: Le cas du Togo, E. Adriaan B. van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal (2000). 45: 165-168. (Albert Trouwborst)  review (pdf)

Ethnography and Law, Eve Darian-Smith (ed.) (2007). 57: 175-177. (Franz von Benda-Beckmann) review (pdf)


Les familles maghrébines et la justice en Belgique, Marie-Claire Foblets (1994). 39: 163-172. (Gordon R. Woodman) review (pdf)

Family Law in Sierra Leone: a research report, Barbara E. Harrell-Bond and Ulrica Rijnsdorp (1975) 13: 168-172. (Robert J. Mundt) review (pdf)

Folk Law: Essays in the Theory and Practice of Lex non Scripta Alison Dundes Renteln and Alan Dundes (eds.) (1994). 35: 167-172. (Gordon R. Woodman) review (pdf)

Forgotten Mandate: A British District Officer in Tanganyika, E.K. Lumley (1976). 13: 182-187. (Richard L. Abel) review (pdf)

From the Roof of Africa, C.W. Nicol (1971). 8: 107-111. (William H. Ewing) review (pdf)

The Future of Tradition: Customary Law, Common Law and Legal Pluralism, Leon Sheleff (2000). 47: 137-145. (Gordon Woodman) review (pdf)


Gender and Property Law in Pakistan: Resources and Discourses, Rubya Mehdi (2001). 48: 185-186. (Lawrence Rosen) review (pdf)

Getting Justice and Getting Even: Legal Consciousness among Working-Class Americans, Sally Engle Merry (1990). 32: 155-160. (David M. Engel) review (pdf)

The Ghanaian Factory Worker: Industrial Man in Africa, Margaret Peil (1972). 9: 113-115. (Phillip Le Bel) review (pdf)

Governance by Indicators. Global Power through Quantification and Rankings, Kevin E. Davis, Angelina Fisher, Benedict Kingsbury and Sally Engle Merry (eds.) (2012). 66: 109-113. (Melanie G. Wiber)  review (pdf)

Grassroots Politics in an African State: Integration and Development in Sierra Leone, Walter Barrows (1976). 15: 127-129. (Richard Stren) review (pdf)


Ife Essays in Administration, Colin Baker and M. Balogun (eds.) (1975). 13: 176. (Richard L. Abel) review (pdf)

The Imposition of Law, S. Burman and B.E. Harrell-Bond (eds.) (1979). 22: 157-162. (June Starr) review (pdf)

In the Shadow of Marriage: Gender and Justice in an African Community, Anne M.O. Griffiths (1997). 43: 159-164. (Jane F. Collier) review (pdf)

Indigenous Law and the State, Bradford W. Morse and Gordon R. Woodman (eds.) (1988). 39: 141-154. (Samuel O. Gyandoh Jr) review (pdf)

Indonesian Legal History, 1602-1848, John Ball (1982). 22: 141-142. (M.B. Hooker) review (pdf)

Industrial Decentralization in South Africa, Trevor Bell (1973) 13: 156-162. (Ann Seidman) review (pdf)

Integration of Customary and Modern Legal Systems in Africa, The Law Faculty, University of Ife (ed.) (1971). 9: 99-111. (Peter Sevareid) review (pdf)

An Introduction to African Criminology, W. Clifford (1974) 13: 176-178. (Richard L. Abel) review (pdf)

An Introduction to Contemporary International Law, Lung-Chu Chen, 2nd ed.(2001). 47: 147-148. (Frank Wooldridge) review (pdf)

An Introduction to the Legal System in East Africa, William Burnett Harvey (1975). 14: 108-110. (H.W.O. Okoth-Ogendo) review (pdf)

An Introduction to the Sources of Contemporary African Laws - Independent Sub-Saharan African, Jacques Vanderlinden (1975) 13: 179. (Richard L. Abel) review (pdf)

The Islamization of the Law in Pakistan, Rubya Mehdi (1994). 35: 155-158. (Azza M. Karam) review (pdf)


Jahrbuch für Afrikanisches Recht - Annuaire de droit africain - Yearbook of African Law, Vol. 1 (1980). 22: 135-140. (Günter Best) review (pdf)

Jahrbuch für Afrikanisches Recht - Annuaire de droit africain - Yearbook of African Law, Vols. II, III, IV, V, Kurt Madlener (ed.) (1981-1984). 27: 161-172. (Ulrike Wanitzek) review (pdf)

The Justice Motive in Social Behaviour: Adapting to Times of Scarcity and Change, Melvin L. Lerner and Sally C. Lerner (eds.). 22: 121-124 (1981). (Jan ten Kate and Peter van Koppen) review (pdf)


The King in Every Man: Evolutionary Trends in Onitsha Ibo Society and Culture, Richard N. Henderson (1972). 9: 133-134. (Dan F. Bauer) review (pdf)

Der Konflikt verscheidener Rechtssyteme vor während und nach der Kolonialzeit in Kenia, Ulrich Wacker (1976). 22: 135-140. (Günter Best) review (pdf)


Land Tenure Among the Amhara of Ethiopia: The Dynamics of Cognatic Descent, Allen Hoben (1973) 11: 90-93. (Dan F. Bauer) review (pdf)

Land Tenure and Policy in Tanzania, R.W. James (1971). 7: 83-84. (Robert B. Stevens) review (pdf)

Law and Anthropology, Martha Mundy (ed.) (2002). 48: 187-189. (Jogchum Vrielink) review (pdf)

Law and Social Enquiry: Case Studies of Research, Robin Luckham (ed.) (1981). 22: 125-128. (Peter Fitzpatrick) review (pdf)

Law and State in Papua New Guinea, Peter Fitzpatrick (1980). 20: 127-141. (Yash Ghai) review (pdf)

Law, Legal Culture and Politics in the Twenty First Century. Essays in Honour of Alice Erh-Soon Tay, Guenther Doeker-Mach and Klaus A. Ziegert (eds.) (2004). 56: 113-119. (Wolfgang Fikentscher) review (pdf)

Law, Order and Liberty in South Africa, A.S. Mathews (1972). 8: 92-96. (Michael I. Davis) review (pdf)

Lawyers in the Third World: Comparative and Developmental Perspectives, C.J. Dias, R. Luckham and J.C.N. Paul (1981). 20: 129-136. (Peter Fitzpatrick) review (pdf)

Legal Choices for State Enterprises in the Third World, Robert C. Pozen (1976). 15: 122-127. (Sam O. Gyandoh, Jr.) review (pdf)

Legal Pluralism in Conflict: Coping with Cultural Diversity in Law, Prakash Shah (2005). 50: 173-178. (Gordon R. Woodman) review (pdf)

Legal Pluralism: Proceedings of the Canberra Law Workshop VII, Peter Sack and Elizabeth Minchin (eds.) (1986). 27: 173-178. (Gordon R. Woodman) review (pdf)

Legal Pluralism: Toward a General Theory Through Japanese Culture, Masaji Chiba (1989). 32: 141-148. (Gordon R. Woodman) review (pdf)

Legal Polycentricity: Consequences of Pluralism in Law, Hanne Petersen and Henrik Zahle (eds.) (1995) 39: 155-162. (Gordon R. Woodman) review (pdf)

Legal Practice and Cultural Diversity, Ralph Grillo, Roger Ballard, Alessandro Ferrari André J. Hoekema, Marcel Maussen and Prakash Shah (eds.) (2009). 59: 149-155. (Amy Jackson) review (pdf)

Legal Roles in Colombia, Dennis O. Lynch (1981). 20: 129-136. (Peter Fitzpatrick) review (pdf)

The Legal System of Lesotho, V.V.W. Palmer and S. Poulter (1972). 6: 171 review (pdf)

Legalising Land Rights. Local Practices, State Responses and Tenure Security in Africa, Asia and Latin America, Janine Ubink, André J. Hoekema and Willem J. Assies (eds.) (2009). 59: 157-160. (Christian Lund) review (pdf)

Lesotho 1970: An African Coup under the Microscope, B.M. Khaketla (1972). 8: 129-130 review (pdf)


Managing Marital Disputes in Malaysia: Islamic Mediators and Conflict Resolution in the Syariah Courts, Sharifah Zaleha Syed Hassan and Sven Cederroth (1997). 40: 179-181. (Lawrence Rosen) review (pdf)

Managing Rural Development: Ideas and Experience from East Africa, Robert Chambers (1974). 14: 116-117. (Francis G. Snyder) review (pdf)

Marketing Staple Food Crops in Tropical Africa, William O. Jones (1972). 8: 129 review (pdf)

Mediation and Society: Conflict Management in Lebanon, C.J. Witty (1980). 21: 159-162. (Sally Engel Merry) review (pdf)

Migration, Diasporas and Legal Systems in Europe, Prakash Shah and Werner F. Menski (eds.) (2006). 58: 119-125. (Gordon R. Woodman) review (pdf)

Modern African Contract Cases, A. Milner (ed.) (1971). 5: 114. (John S. Bainbridge) review (pdf)

Mozambique: The Africanization of a European Institution, Allen F. Isaacman (1972). 8: 128-129 review (pdf)

Les musulmans et le pouvoir en Afrique noir, Ch. Coulon (1983). 22: 143-145. (Etienne Le Roy) review (pdf)


Natural Resources, Environment and Legal Pluralism.. Special Issue of Law and Anthropology: International Yearbook for Legal Anthropology, Franz and Keebet von Benda-Beckmann and André Hoekema (Guest Eds.) (1997). 43: 181-186. (Melanie G. Wiber) review (pdf)

The Nature of Customary Law: Legal, Historical and Philosophical Perspectives, Amanda Perreau-Saussine and James Bernard Murphy (eds.) (2007). 59: 165-172. (Gordon R. Woodman) review (pdf)

Nigeria: Modernization and the Politics of Communalism, Robert Melson and Howard Wolpe (eds.) (1971). 8: 130-131 review (pdf)

Nyeri Townsmen in Kenya, Carl A. Dutto (1975). 16: 173-175. (Marc H. Ross) review (pdf)


The OAU and the UN: Relations Between the Organization of African Unity and the United Nations, Berhanykun Andemicael (1976). 16: 179-183. (Karl R. Morthole) review (pdf)

"One Nation, One Judiciary: The Lower Courts of Zambia", Zambia Law Journal, Vol. 2, Nos. 1 & 2, Francis O. Spalding, Earl L. Hoover and John C. Piper (1970). 8: 97-106. (Richard L. Abel) review (pdf)


Peace and Conflict in Ladakh: The construction of a fragile web of order. Brills Tibetan Studies Library, Vol. 13, Fernanda Pirie (2007). 59: 161-164. (Judith Beyer) review (pdf)

The Penal Code of the Somali Democratic Republic, M.R. Ganzglass (1971). 5: 115. (Phyllis K. Dryden) review (pdf)

People's Law and State Law: The Bellagio Papers, A.N. Allott and G.R. Woodman (eds.) (1985). 24: 171-173. (Simon Roberts) review (pdf)

Personal Freedom and the Law in Tanzania, Robert Martin. (1974) 13: 155-156. (Julio Menezes) review (pdf)

The Political Economy of Law: A Third World Reader Yash Ghai, Francis Snyder, Robin Luckham (eds.) (1987). 28: 181-186. (Gordon R. Woodman) review (pdf)

The Political Integration of Urban Squatters, Marc Howard Ross (ed. by Remi Clignet and Edward W. Soja) (1973) 11: 94-95. (Mary Lee Shannon) review (pdf)

The Politics of South Africa: Democracy and Racial Diversity, Howard Brotz (1977). 16: 183-187. (Roger J. Southall) review (pdf)

The Politics of Trade Negotiations between Africa and the European Economic Community: The Weak Confront the Strong, I. William Zartman (1971). 9: 117-122. (Charles D. Smith) review (pdf)

Politics, Property and Law in the Philippine Uplands, Melanie G. Wiber (1993). 35: 151-154. (Frank Hirtz) review (pdf)

Popular Government in an African Town: Kita, Mali, Nicholas S. Hopkins (1972). 8: 127-128 review (pdf)

Portuguese Africa and the West, William Minter (1972) 11: 81-85. (Nancy T. Hafkin) review (pdf)

Power and Politics in Africa, Henry L. Bretton (1973). 9: 123-127. (Robert D. Grey) review (pdf)

The Power of Law in a Transnational World: Anthropological Enquiries, Franz von Benda-Beckmann, Keebet von Benda-Beckmann, and Anne Griffiths (eds) (2009). 58: 115-118. (Ralph Grillo) review (pdf)

Proletarians and African Capitalism: The Kenyan Case, 1960-1972, Richard Sandbrook (1975). 14: 104-108. (H.W.O. Okoth-Ogendo) review (pdf)

Property in Social Continuity: Continuity and Change in the Maintenance of Property Relationships Through Time in Minangkabau, West Sumatra, F. von Benda-Beckmann (1979). 21: 163-166. (Sally Falk Moore) review (pdf)

Public Administration in Tanzaniai, K.W. von Sperber (1970). 7: 77-81. (Yash P. Ghai) review (pdf)

Pursuing Grounded Theory in Law: South-North Experiences in Developing Women's Law, Agnete Weis Bentzon, Anne Hellum, Julie Stewart, Welshman Ncube and Torben Agersnap (1998). 43: 169-174. (Ambreena Manji) review (pdf)


Recht als Mittel zur Reform von Religion und Gesellschaft. Die türkische Debatte um die Scharia und die Rechtsschulen im 20. Jahrhundert [Law as a Means to the Reform of Religion and Society. The Turkish Debate over the Sharia and the Schools of Law in the 20th Century, Bülent Ucar (2005). 57: 167-169. (Levent Tezcan) review (pdf)

Rechtsspaltung im Malaysischen Familienrecht, zugleich ein Beitrag zur 'gestuften' Unteranknüpfung im internationalen Privatrecht, Hans-Jürgen Richter (1978). 19: 189-192. (Carl-Bernd Kaehlig) review (pdf)

The Recognition of Aboriginal Customary Laws, Report No. 31, Australian Law Reform Commission (1986). 27: 179-184. (Gordon R. Woodman) review (pdf)

Reconciling Customary Law and Received Law in Melanesia: the Post-Independence Experience in Solomon Islands and Vanuatu, Kenneth Brown (2005). 52: 215-219. (Gordon R. Woodman) review (pdf)

Reflections on Law and Economic Integration in East Africa, Yash P. Ghai (1976). 16: 168-171. (Ann Seidman) review (pdf)

La Réforme agro-foncière dans les Pays du Conseil de l'Entente en Afrique de l'Ouest, Emile van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal and A. Améga (eds.) (1979). 20: 151-153. (Francis G. Snyder) review (pdf)

Regional Development Banks: The Asian, African and Inter-American Development Banks, John White (1972). 8: 133 review (pdf)

Repertoire de Jurisprudence Sénégalaise en Matière de Status Personnel, C.R.E.D.I.L.A. (1976). 15: 136. (Francis G. Snyder) review (pdf)

Research Papers 1-15 on the References on Aboriginal Customary Law, Australian Law Reform Commission (1982-1984). 23: 225-230. (Gordon R. Woodman) review (pdf)

Restorative Justice: How It Works, Marian Liebmann (2007). 57: 171-174. (Katherine Doolin) review (pdf)

The Role of Law in Natural Resource Management, Joep Spiertz and Melanie G. Wiber (eds.) (1996). 43: 165-167. (Thomas K. Rudel)       review (pdf)

Rules and Processes: The Cultural Logic of Dispute in an African Context, J.L. Comaroff and S. Roberts (1981). 21: 155-157. (Etienne LeRoy) review (pdf)


Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed, James C. Scott (1998). 43: 175-179. (John Griffiths) review (pdf)

Sherea: Justice coutumière à la cour du chef supérieur des Anufòm à Nzara (Sansanné-Mango) Nord-Togo, Emile and Els van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal (1975). 14: 111. (Francis G. Snyder) review (pdf)

An Sourcebook of African Customary Law in Southern Africa, T. Bennett (1991). 35: 149-150. (Tom Quinlan) review (pdf)

The South African Economy, D. Hobart Houghton (1976). 14: 112-115. (Ann Seidman) review (pdf)

The South West Africa/Namibia Dispute: Documents and Scholarly Writings on the Controversy Between South Africa and the United Nations, John Dugard (1973) 11: 86-89. (Elizabeth S. Landis) review (pdf)

Sovereignty at Bay - The Multinational Spread of U.S. Enterprises, Raymond Vernon (1971). 9: 129-131. (David N. Smith) review (pdf)

Soviet Policy Toward Black Africa: The Focus on National Integration, Helen D. Cohn (1972). 8: 115-118. (Chris Osakwe) review (pdf)

The Spontaneous Settlement Problem in Kenya, Philip M. Mbithi and Carolyn Barnes (1975). 13: 179-180. (Richard L. Abel) review (pdf)

Studies in Ibo Political Systems, Ikenna Nzimiro (1972). 8: 131 review (pdf)

The Study and Teaching of Law in Africa, J.S. Bainbridge (1972). 8: 89-91. (James C.N. Paul) review (pdf)


Taxation for African Economic Development, M.C. Taylor (1971). 6: 171 review (pdf)

Toward a General Theory of Social Control; Vol. I Fundamentals; Vol. II Selected Problems, Donald Black (ed.) (1984). 23: 209-219. (Govaert C.J.J. van den Bergh) review (pdf)


University of Ife (Nigeria) Law Reports, O.I. Odumosu (editor-in-chief) (1971). 8: 131-132 review (pdf)

Urban Dynamics in Black Africa: An Interdisciplinary Approach, William J. Hanna and Judith L. Hanna (1971). 8: 126-127 review (pdf)


Van Vollenhoven on Indonesian Adat Law, J.F. Holleman, (ed.) (1981). 22: 147-155. (Daniel Lev) review (pdf)

Virtuous Citizens, Disruptive Subjects; Order and Complaint in a New England Court, Barbara Yngvesson (1993). 34: 105-113. (Heleen F.P. Ietswaart) review (pdf)


When Legal Worlds Overlap: Human Rights, State and Non-State Law, International Council on Human Rights Policy (2009). 60: 179-186. (Milena Stefanova and Nicholas Menzies) review (pdf)

Without the Law: Administrative Justice and Legal Pluralism in Nineteenth-Century England, H.W. Arthurs (1985). 27: 135-143. (Peter Fitzpatrick and Alfred Rüegg) review (pdf)

Women and Property in Morocco, Vanessa Maher (1975). 15: 129-131. (Daisy Hilse Dwyer) review (pdf)

Women in Africa: Studies in Social and Economic Change, Nancy J. Hafkin and Edna G. Bay (eds.) (1976). 16: 171-173. (June Starr) review (pdf)

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