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The following is a collection of publications that came out as a result of CLP conferences and other official CLP events such as workshops and panels at other conferences.

2015. Bavinck, M. and A. Jyotishi. Conflict, Negotiations and Natural Resource Management: A legal pluralism perspective from India. (Routledge Explorations in Environmental Studies). London: Routledge.

2015 Special Issue of the Journal of Legal Pluralism, volume 47, issue 1

2011 The governance of legal pluralism : empirical studies from Africa and beyond .
Werner Zips and Markus Weilenmann.(eds.) Münster: : LIT Verlag.

2011 Special Issue of the Journal of Legal Pluralism, volume 43, issue 64 

2009 Spatializing Law. An Anthropological Geography of Law in Society.
Franz von Benda-Beckmann, Keebet von Benda-Beckmann and Anne Griffiths (eds.) Ashgate Publishing Limited, Farnham and Burlington.

2007 Corruption and the Secret of Law. A Legal Anthropologist Perspective.
Monique Nuijten and Gerhard Anders (eds.) Ashgate Publishing Limited, Farnham and Burlington.

2006 Jakarta, Indonesia, Papers of the XVth International Congress: Law, Power and Culture: Transnational, National and Local Processes in the Context of Legal Pluralism.
June 29th - July 2nd 2006. Papers available only in CD format.

2005 Liquid Relations:Contested Water Rights And Legal Complexity.
Dik Roth, Rutgerd Boelens, Margreet Zwarteveen (eds.) Rutgers University Press

2005 Christoph Eberhard and Nidhi Gupta, eds- Legal Pluralism in India.
Special Issue Indian Socio-Legal Journal XXXI

2004 Papers of the XIVth International Congress: Law, Plural Society and Social Cohesion in the 21st Century. 
26-29, 2004, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada.  Available only in CD format.

2002 Papers of the XIIIth International Congress: Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law in Social, Economic and Political Development.
7-10 April 2002, Chaing Mai, Thailand. Edited by Rajendra Pradhan. Published by the International Center for the Study of Nature, Environment and Culture, Kathmandu, Nepal. Three Volumes.

2001. Papers from the Moscow Conference II, Journal of Legal Pluralism nr. 46, pp. 121-194

2000 XII Congresso Internacional.
Derecho Consuetudinario Y Pluralismo Legal: Desafios n el Tercer Milenio, Marzo 13-17, Milka Castro Lucic, ed., Arica-Chile.

2000. Papers from the Moscow Conference I, Journal of Legal Pluralism nr. 45, pp. 77-164

1999 Obychnoe pravo i pravavoy pluralism.
(Materialy XI mezhdunarodnogo kongressa po obychnomu pravu i pravovomu pluralizmu, avgust 1997 (Moskva) [Folk Law and Legal Pluralism. (Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Folk Law and Legal Pluralism, August 1997, Moscow)], Novikova, N.I. and V.A. Tishdov (eds.), Moscow: Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, 252 p.

1999 Papers of the XIth International Congress of Folk Law and Legal Pluralism: Societies in Transformation.
Benda-Beckmann, K. von and Harald W. Finkler (eds.), Moscow: Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, 395 p.

1998 Proceedings of the XIIth International Symposium Williamsburg, U.S.A., July 26-August 1, 1998.
14th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Williamsburg, Va., U.S.A. Melanie G. Wiber (ed.), December 1998

1997 Natural Resources, Environment and Legal Pluralism.
F. and K. von Benda Beckmann and A. Hoekema (guest eds.), in Law and Anthropology , International Yearbook for Legal Anthropology, Vol. 9, 325 p. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Netherlands

1996 Indigenous Self-Determination and Legal Pluralism.
Kuppe, Rene and Richard Potz (eds.), in Law and Anthropology , International Yearbook for Legal Anthropology, Vol. 8, 280 p. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Netherlands

1996 Popular Justice: Conflict Resolution within Communities.
Foblets, Marie-Claire, Anne Griffiths, Carol LaPraire and Gordon Woodman (eds.), in Journal of Legal Pluralism , 36, special issue, 214 p.

1995 Papers of the Commission's Xth Internationbal Congress.
Legon, Ghana, August 21-24, 1995, compiled by Harald Finkler, 394 p.

1993 Legal Pluralism in Industrial Societies.
Greenhouse, Carol, and Fons Strijbosch, in Journal of Legal Pluralism (special issue). Back issues of the Journal of Legal Pluralism are available from William S. Hein & Co., Inc. 1285 Main Street, Buffalo, New York 14209-1987, USA

1992 Proceedings of the VIIth International Congress.
Wellington, New Zealand, 27-30 August, as compiled by the Law Faculty, Victoria University of Wellington, vol. I, 428 p. This volume is out of print.

1991 Proceedings of the VIth International Symposium.
Ottawa, Canada, August 14-18, 1990, as compiled by Harald Finkler, Vol. I and II, 956 p.  Inquiries should be addressed to mr H. Finkler, 53 William Street, Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada K7C 1Y1.

1990-91 The socio-Legal Position of Women in Changing Society.
LaPrairie, Carol and Els Baerends (eds.), in Journal of Legal Pluralism (special double issue), 339 p. Back issues of this issue are available from William S. Hein & Co., Inc. 1285 Main Street, Buffalo, New York 14209-1987, USA

1990 Group Rights: Strategies for Assisting the Fourth World.
Kuppe, René, Melanie Wiber and Anne Griffiths (eds.), in Law and Anthropology, Internationales Jahrbuch für Rechtsantropologie, no. 5, 294 p.  To be obtained from VWGÖ-Verlag, Lindengasse 37, A-1070 Wien (Vienna), Austria.

1988 Indigenous Law and the State.
Morse, B. and Gordon Woodman (eds.), Foris Publications, Dordrecht, Holland 1988, 472 p. Now available from Walter de Gruyter, Genthiner Strasse 13, D-1000 Berlin 30, Germany

1988 Between Kinship and the State. Social Security and Law in Developing Countries.
F. von Benda-Beckmann, K. von Benda-Beckmann, E. Casino, F. Hirtz, G.R. Woodman, H.F. Zacher (eds.), Foris Publications, Dordrecht, Holland 1988, 495 p. Now available from Walter de Gruyter, Genthiner Strasse 13, D-1000 Berlin 30, Germany

1985 People's Law and State Law, the Bellagio Papers.
Allott, Anthony and Gordon Woodman (eds.), Foris Publications, Dordrecht, Holland 1985, 355 p. Now available from Walter de Gruyter, Genthiner Strasse 13, D-1000 Berlin 30, Germany

1985 Papers from the Vancouver Symposia.
In Journal of Legal Pluralism 23, special issue, 225 p. Back issues of the Journal of Legal Pluralism are available from Fred Rothman, 10368 West Centennial Road, Littleton, Colorado 80127, USA.

1983 Papers of the Symposia on Folk Law and Legal Pluralism.
XIth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Vancouver, Canada, August 19-23, 1983, compiled by Harald Finkler, Vol. I and II, Ottawa 1983, 1209 p. These volumes are out of print.

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