Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law




About the contributors| text |


Catalyzing the Socio-Legal Space for Armed Conflict:

Land and Legal Pluralism in Pre-War Liberia.  [Pages 1-31]

       Jon D. Unruh | abstract | article (pdf) |


The Struggle for Context in the Protection of Children's Rights:

Understanding the Core Concepts of the African Children's Charter. 

[Pages 33-68]

       Thoko Kaime | abstract | article (pdf) |


'Neither Fish nor Fowl':

Area Courts in the Ilorin Emirate of Northern Nigeria

[Pages 69-92]

       Abdulmumuni A. Oba | abstract | article (pdf) |


Fragmenting Land and the Laws that Govern It.  [Pages 93-113]

        Sue Farran | abstract | article (pdf) |



Book Reviews


Franz von Benda-Beckmann, Keebet von Benda-Beckmann, and

Anne Griffiths (eds), The Power of Law in a Transnational World:

Anthropological Enquiries (2009).  [Pages 115-118]

        Ralph Grillo | review (pdf) |


Stephen Tierney (ed.), Accommodating Cultural Diversity (2007);

Matthias Koenig and Paul de Guchteneire (eds.), Democracy and

Human Rights in Multicultural Societies (2007); and

Prakash Shah and Werner F. Menski (eds.), Migration, Diasporas

and Legal Systems in Europe (2006).  [Pages 119-125]

        Gordon R. Woodman | review (pdf) |





© The Publishers of the Journal of Legal Pluralism and Authors, 2008. ISSN 0732-9113