Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law




About the Contributors | text |


Changes in ‘Customary’ Resource Tenure Systems

in the Inner Niger Delta, Mali. [Pages 1-29]

       Lorenzo Cotula and Salmana Cissé | abstract |

       | article (pdf) | article (htm) |


The Russian Experience of Reforming Nomadic

Courts According to Adat in Turkestan, 1850-1900.

[Pages 31-40]

       Olga Brusina | abstract | article (pdf) | article (htm) |


Playing off Courts:

The Negotiation of Divorce and Violence in Plural

Legal Settings in Kolkata. [Pages 41-75]

       Srimati Basu | abstract | article (pdf) | article (htm) |


Is Legal Pluralism an Obstacle to Human Rights?

Considerations from the South Pacific. [Pages 77-105]

       Sue Farran | abstract | article (pdf) | article (htm) |


The Problem of Jural Typology in Tribal Societies:

Pre-Contact America and Gaelic Ireland -

A Case Study.  [Pages 107-146]

        Martina Gillen | abstract | article (pdf) |

       | article (htm) |


The Enigma of National Law in Indonesia:

The Supreme Court’s Decisions on Gender-Neutral

Inheritance.  [Pages 147-167]

        Ratno Lukito | abstract | article (pdf) | article (htm) |


Decentralization and Local Politics of Forest

Management in Vietnam:

A Case Study of the Cơ Tu Ethnic Community.

[Pages 169-206]

        Hoang Huy Tuan | abstract | article (pdf) |

       | article (htm) |



Book Reviews


Werner Menski, Comparative law in a Global Context:

The Legal Systems of Asia and Africa, 2nd ed. (2006).

[Pages 207-214]

        Gordon R. Woodman | review (pdf) |


Kenneth Brown, Reconciling Customary Law and

Received Law in Melanesia: the Post-Independence

Experience in Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. (2005). 

[Pages 215-219]

        Gordon R. Woodman | review (pdf) |



© The Publishers of the Journal of Legal Pluralism and Authors, 2006. ISSN 0732-9113