Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law




About the contributors | text |


Positioning the Legal Subject and the Anthropologist:

The Challenge of Delgamuuwk to Anthropological Theory. [Pages 1-17]

       Jo-Anne Fiske | abstract |

       | article (pdf)| article (htm)|


Articulating Custom: The Politics and Poetics of Social Transformations in Samoa.  [Pages 19-47]

       M.D. Olson | abstract | article (pdf) |

       | article (htm)


The Process Geography of Law (As Approached Through Andalucian Gitano Family Law).

[Pages 49-70]

       Susan G. Drummond  | abstract|

       | article (pdf) | article (htm)|


Folk Law in the System of Power of Central Asian States and the Legal Status of the Russian-Speaking Population.  [Pages 71-76]

       Olga Brusina | abstract | article (pdf)|

       | article (htm)|




Small Nations of the Russian North and Their Rights as Indigenous Peoples:

Some Observations and Preliminary Hypotheses.  [Pages 77-89]

       Lennard Sillanpää | abstract

       | article (pdf)| article (htm)|


The Construction of ‘Indigenousness’ in Russian Science, Politics and Law. [Pages 91-113]

       S.V. Sokolovski | abstract

       | article (pdf) | article (htm)|


Discourse and Defiance:

Law, Healing, and the Implications of Communities in Resistance. [Pages 115-135]

       Jo-Anne Fiske and Patty J. Ginn | abstract |

       | article (pdf) | article (htm) |


Statutory Instruments for the Maintenance of Ethnic Minority Interests in a Multicultural Community:

The Case of the Afrikaners in South Africa.  [Pages 137-164]

       Anthony R. Turton | abstract |

       | article (pdf) | article (htm) |


Book Review


E. Adriaan B. van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal, L'état en Afrique face à la chefferie: Le cas du Togo (2000).  [Pages 165-168]

       Albert Trouwborst

       | review (pdf) | review (htm) |



© The Publishers of the Journal of Legal Pluralism

and Authors, 2000.ISSN 0732-9113.