Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law


NUMBER 29 / 1990






LOUIS ASSIER-ANDRIEU is Chargé de Recherche at the Centre National de Ia Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Paris. He is attached to the Groupement Scientifique “Information Scientifique sur I’Amènagement Regional et le Développement” (ISARD) at the Université de Toulouse-le-Mirail. In addition to numerous articles on the anthropology and history of law, he is the author of Coutume et rapports sociaux. Etude anthropologique des communautés paysannes du Capcir (Editions du CNRS, Paris, 1981) and Le peuple et la loi: Anthropologie historique des droits paysans en Catalogne française (Libraire Générale de Droit et de Jurisprudence, Paris, 1987).


ETIENNE DE ROY is Professeur d’Anthropologie Juridique at the Université de Paris I (Panthêon-Sorbonne) and Director of the Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Juridique de Paris. He is the author of numerous studies of legal anthropology in Senegal and in France. He recently directed and participated in a major study of conciliation in France, La Conciliation: Instance de règlement des litiges. Enjeu professionnel et institutionnel (Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Juridique de Paris, 1988).


NORBERT ROULAND is Professeur d’Histoire du Droit et d’Anthropologie Juridique at the Faculté de Droit et de Science Politique, Université d’Aix-Marseille III. He has written extensively on Roman law and on the law of the Inuit of Canada. His recent works include Anthropologie Juridique (Presses Universitaires de France, Collection ‘Droit Fondamental’, 1988) and Anthropologie Juridique (Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, Collection ‘Que Sais-Je?’, 1990).


FRANCIS SNYDER is Professor of European Law in the University of London (University College), Professor of European Economic Law at the European University Institute, Florence, and Professor of Law at the College of Europe, Bruges. He is an associate editor of JLP. He has written on the anthropology of law, law in development, and European Community law. His recent publications include Diritto agrario delta Comunitd Europea (Giuffre Editore, Milan, 1990); ‘European Community Law and Third World Food Entitlements,’ German Yearbook of International Law, 32, 1989; and New Directions in European Community Law (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, 1990).


E. ADRIAAN VAN ROUVEROY VAN NIEUWAAL is research associate at the Afrika-Studiecentrum Leiden and part-time Professor of African constitutional law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Leiden. His recent publications include Chieftaincy and the State in Africa (a special double issue of this journal in collaboration with J. Griffiths), JLP 25-26, 1987; ‘Chef Coutumier: un métier difficile’, Politique Africaine 27: 18-31 (1987); ‘Pouvoir de l’Etat et Chef Coutumier, integration du chef coutumier aux organes du Parti Unique au Togo’, Droit et Cultures 18: 225-241 (1989); and ‘Esquisse du Parlementarisme et Monopartisme en Afrique: le cas du Togo’, AfrikaFokus, RUG-Gent, Belgium (in press).


ROBERT VACHON is the Director of Research and Director of the international intercultural and transdisciplinary trimestrial research journal Interculture of the Centre Interculturel Monchanin, 4917 St-Urbain, Montréal, Québec H2T 2W1, Canada. He has written widely on cultural pluralism, Inuit law and culture and political self-determination. Among his recent publications is Alternatives au développement. Approches interculturelles au développement et à la coopération internationale (Centre Interculturel Monchanin, Montréal, 1988).