About the contributors | text |
A Note on Voudou as an Alternative Mechanism for Addressing Legal Problems. [Pages 1-17] Gray Cavender | article (pdf) |
Sentencing, Custom and the Rule of Law in Papua New Guinea. [Pages 19-54] Sinclair Dinnen | article (pdf) |
Structural Violence and Aboriginal Organisations in Rural-Urban Australia. [Pages 55-77] Anne-Katrin Eckermann and Lynette Toni Dowd | article (pdf) |
The Perpetuation of Myths: A Case Study on 'Tribe' and 'Chief' in South Africa. [Pages 79-115] Tim Quinlan | article (pdf) |
Customary Family Law in Malawi: Adherence to Tradition and Adaptability to Change. [Pages 117-134] Boyce P. Wanda | article (pdf) |
Book Reviews
H.W. Arthurs, Without the Law: Administrative Justice and Legal Pluralism in Nineteenth-Century England (1985). [Pages 135-143] Peter Fitzpatrick and Alfred Rüegg | review (pdf) |
Mitsukuni Yasaki (ed.), East and West. Legal Philosophies in Japan (1987). [Pages 145-151] Kurt Radtke | review (pdf) |
Keebet von Benda-Beckmann, The Broken Stairways to Consensus: Village Justice and State Courts in Minangkabau (1984). [Pages 153-159] Francis Snyder | review (pdf) |
Kurt Madlener (ed.), Jahrbuch für Afrikanisches Recht - Annuaire de droit africain - Yearbook of African Law, Vols. II, III, IV, V (1981-1984). [Pages 161-172] Ulrike Wanitzek | review (pdf) |
Peter Sack and Elizabeth Minchin (eds.), Legal Pluralism: Proceedings of the Canberra Law Workshop VII (1986). [Pages 173-178] Gordon R. Woodman | review (pdf) |
The Law Reform Commission, Australia, The Recognition of Aboriginal Customary Laws, Report No. 31 (1986). [Pages 179-184] Gordon R. Woodman | review (pdf) |
© The Publishers of the Journal of Legal Pluralism and Authors, 1988. ISSN 0732-9113 |