Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law




About the contributors | text |


What is Legal Pluralism?  [Pages 1-55]

       John Griffiths | article (pdf) |


Legal Practice in Ibadan, 1904-1960.

[Pages 57-76]

       Omoniyi Adewoye | article (pdf) |


Peasant Conflicts in the Italian Countryside at the

Beginning of the Twentieth Century.

[Pages 77-100]

       Amedeo Cottino | article (pdf) |


Social Control and Law in the Finnish Gypsy

Community: Blood Feuding as a System of Justice.  [Pages 101-125]

       Martti Grönfors | article (pdf) |


Some Observations on the Relationship Between the King and the Buddhist Order in Ancient India. 

[Pages 127-150]

       M.B. Voyce | article (pdf) |



Book Reviews


Paul Trappe (ed.), Conceptions Contemporaines du Droit /Contemporary Conceptions of Law / Zeitgenössische Rechtskonzeptionen, Proceedings of the 9th World Congress of the IVR (1979), ARSP Supplements I, 1-4 (1982-83).  [Pages 151-154]

       Govaert C.J.J. van den Bergh | review (pdf) |


Elizabeth Claverie and Paul Lamaison, L'Impossible Marriage, Violence et Parenté en Gévaudan, 17e, 18e et 19e Siècles (1982)

[Pages 155-160]

       Yves Dezalay | review (pdf) |


Keebet von Benda-Beckmann and Fons Strijbosch (eds.), Anthropology of Law in the Netherlands: Essays in Legal Pluralism (1986)  [Pages 161-170]

       Heleen Ietswaart | review (pdf) |


A.N. Allott and G.R. Woodman (eds.), People's Law and State Law: The Bellagio Papers (1985)  [Pages 171-173]

       Simon Roberts | review (pdf) |


Jacques Chevallier, Danièle Loschak et alii, Le Droit en Procès (1983)  [Pages 175-176]

        Etienne le Roy | review (pdf) |


George Thomas Kurian, Encyclopaedia of the Third World, Revised Edition (1982)  [177-179]

        Francis Snyder | review (pdf) |


Christine Okali, Cocoa and Kinship in Ghana: the Matrilineal Akan of Ghana (1983)  [Pages 181-189]

       Gordon R. Woodman | review (pdf) |


© The Publishers of the Journal of Legal Pluralism and Authors, 1988. ISSN 0732-9113