Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law

Prior to 1981 this Journal was named:










About the Contributors | text |


Rural and Urban Land Reform in Ethiopia.  [Pages 3-62]

       John M. Cohen and Peter H. Keohn | article (pdf) |


Teaching Law in Kenya: A Personal Footnote. [Pages 63-86]

       Robert Martin | article (pdf) |


A "Woman to Woman" Marriage and the Repugnancy Clause: A Case of Putting New Wine into Old Bottles.  [Pages 87-95]

        C.O. Akpamgbo | article (pdf) |



News and Notes


Legal Education in Botswana, Lesotho, and Swaziland.  [Pages 96-103]

       P.K.A. Amoah | article (pdf) |



Book Reviews


Richard Sandbrook, Proletarians and African Capitalism: The Kenyan Case, 1960-1972 (1975).  [Pages 104-108]

        H.W.O. Okoth-Ogendo | review (pdf) |


William Burnett Harvey, An Introduction to the Legal System in East Africa (1975).  [Pages 108-110]

        H.W.O. Okoth-Ogendo | review (pdf) |


The Agribusiness Council, Agricultural Initiative in the Third World. A Report on the Conference: Science and Agribusiness in the Seventies (1975).  [Pages 110-111]

        Francis G. Snyder | review (pdf) |


Emile and Els van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal, Sherea: Justice coutumière à la cour du chef supérieur des Anufòm à Nzara (Sansanné-Mango) Nord-Togo (1975).  [Page 111]

        Francis G. Snyder | review (pdf) |


D. Hobart Houghton, The South African Economy (1976).     [Pages 112-115]

        Ann Seidman | review (pdf) |


Carl Widstrand (ed.), Co-operatives and Rural Development in East Africa (1971).  [Pages 115-116]

        Francis G. Snyder | review (pdf) |


Robert Chambers, Managing Rural Development: Ideas and Experience from East Africa (1974)  [Pages 116-117]

        Francis G. Snyder | review (pdf) |



Books Received



© African Law Association in America, Inc., 1977.