Call for Submissions: Indigenizing What It Means to be Human: Stories, Poems, Dreams, and Memories

SAPIENS magazine invites creative works for the Indigenizing What It Means to be Human: Stories, Poems, Dreams, and Memories project.

Authors are invited to submit creative works (up to 3 poems, one prose piece [can be fiction or creative nonfiction], or one hybrid piece [or up to 3 if short]) of 2,500 words or less (no more than 7 pages in total). A series of 8–10 pieces will be featured in the magazine in the autumn of 2022.

The magazine welcomes creative work from those who identify as Indigenous, who have some background in anthropology, a degree in the discipline, or a placement in an anthropology department. Work in Indigenous languages is especially encouraged.

Deadline for submissions is June 15, 2022. An honorarium of US$250 will be offered to those whose work is published in the collection.

For more information, please see the call. © 2024 | Disclaimer